Chicken:Inside and Out
Published: 2 May 2013 By Alla Malina

Living in such a cultural city , we often fall upon the cuisines of many different countries . We can go from Europe, to the Middle East, take a stroll through Asia and return to the homeland in just one city Avenue. We often experience the traditions, flavors of foods, and spices and are introduced to new recipes and ideas used to prepare the food we see on a daily basis in our local supermarkets. What we fail to see, being "spoiled" in a sense, is the way we utilize our food.
We have a wide selection of the most unnecessary processed products than any other country. We waste and dispose of "scraps" of food because we purchase the processed version. With a few simple techniques, people can save money and food waste, as well as indulge in something that is made at home within the boundaries of their kitchen. No chemicals, no additives, and no empty wallets!
Let's take an all-time favorite; Chicken! Fry it, bake it, sauteè it, boil it, roast it, do anything you please. It is one the the most consumed foods world wide. Other countries don't have the luxury of trashing food so they utilize each and every part. But being high maintenance and all, we fail to acknowledge anything but the meat. Now, we're not talking feathers, but we are talking bones and organs. Not everyone is a professional butcher, but with a few simple tips you can save a load of cash and have a lot more product.
TIP #1: Buying a butchered chicken or butchered parts are way pricier then buying a whole chicken, or something as simple as chicken breasts, thighs and legs on the bone- not skinned. If you're already buying these products chances are you're butchering and using your trash to get rid of the remains. No, no, no!
Use your skins and bones to make stocks and broths. Prepare it concentrated, pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Add to boiling water whenever you need that extra kick of flavor in your meal. Free and no expiration dates; now that is what you call "Healthy Living". Make them any flavor you like, with all the nutrients and vitamins you desire. So the next time you're making a soup, a stew or a sauce, the purchase of stock is unnecessary.
TIP#2: Organs! I'm sure most have tried livers and gizzards. How many have tried hearts? Absolutely cheap, delicious and not an ounce of fat! Like the meat, it can be prepared in a variety of different ways with an endless amount of flavors. Bring something new to the table and let your taste buds explore.
As head chefs of our kitchens, we have to set budgets, and learn that a home cooked meal from scratch is always the best if done the
right way. It's no wonder why everyone loves grandmas cooking! Yet sometimes we look past and underestimate the food we cook. All it takes is some advice and a recipe from one chef to the other!
As head chefs of our kitchens, we have to set budgets, and learn that a home cooked meal from scratch is always the best if done the right way. It's no wonder why everyone loves grandmas cooking! Yet sometimes we look past and underestimate the food we cook. All it takes is some advice and a recipe from one chef to the other!
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