Help Needed Notices Resurfacing
Published: 14 September 2013 By Abiodun Giwa

A business center in Downtown, Brooklyn,(Courtesy:
Businesses in New York may be regaining its momentum, as help needed notices that have disappeared begin to resurface.
in various business districts from Manhattan to the Bronx, Queens, Long Island and Brooklyn, these notices are becoming conspicuous for passer-byes, bringing a soothing relief that employment buzz may be resurfacing.
One of the scars of the economic downturn before 2008 was the disappearance of help needed notices mostly placed on windows by businesses seeking to hire. It is the notice that employment seeking members of the public who lack connections rely upon for employment opening. it varies the situation in a developed country like the United States to under developed economies where people rely on connections to get employment openings.
Many people interviewed by Global Pentorch consent that people can just walk by, see help needed notice in a window, walk in and the job is at hand without the prospective employer having known his or her prospective employee previously. They agree it has been the system many businesses use to get people they hire, and employment seeking people for new employment they need.
Val Abrams, a nursing student at the University of Pennsylvania said that disappearance of help needed notices is an indication that job opportunities not as numerous as it should be because of economic downturn, and when you begin to see the notices on windows in business offices means the economy is growing and the businesses are hiring.
Diaz Emmanuel, a security officer with Universal Protection Service said that when there are not the signs suggests the economy is not doing well, and that the reverse is the case when you see the help needed signs as a symbol of economy that is picking up steam.
With the disappearance of the notices, many employment seekers switch to the use of social media and people they know. The development created a scare that the society may have fallen to the level obtained in the least developed countries, where you have to know somebody to get a job. Here, they say you don't need to know no one. All you need is the readiness to work and you are good to go. "People say one just need to get dressed up and walk the street in search of help needed notices.
in various business districts from Manhattan to the Bronx, Queens, Long Island and Brooklyn, these notices are becoming conspicuous for passer-byes, bringing a soothing relief that employment buzz may be resurfacing.
One of the scars of the economic downturn before 2008 was the disappearance of help needed notices mostly placed on windows by businesses seeking to hire. It is the notice that employment seeking members of the public who lack connections rely upon for employment opening. it varies the situation in a developed country like the United States to under developed economies where people rely on connections to get employment openings.
Many people interviewed by Global Pentorch consent that people can just walk by, see help needed notice in a window, walk in and the job is at hand without the prospective employer having known his or her prospective employee previously. They agree it has been the system many businesses use to get people they hire, and employment seeking people for new employment they need.
Val Abrams, a nursing student at the University of Pennsylvania said that disappearance of help needed notices is an indication that job opportunities not as numerous as it should be because of economic downturn, and when you begin to see the notices on windows in business offices means the economy is growing and the businesses are hiring.
Diaz Emmanuel, a security officer with Universal Protection Service said that when there are not the signs suggests the economy is not doing well, and that the reverse is the case when you see the help needed signs as a symbol of economy that is picking up steam.
With the disappearance of the notices, many employment seekers switch to the use of social media and people they know. The development created a scare that the society may have fallen to the level obtained in the least developed countries, where you have to know somebody to get a job. Here, they say you don't need to know no one. All you need is the readiness to work and you are good to go. "People say one just need to get dressed up and walk the street in search of help needed notices.
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