Iran's Ayatollahs' Revolution Mismanagement
10 October 2024 By Abiodun Kareem Giwa

There are two with intense fears of dying: the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, whose demand for a ceasefire included ensuring his safety, and Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who sought refuge away from the unknown after the of Hezbollah's leader Nasrallah. Now, the butcher, head of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, is dead. Although Khamenei does not want death, he should be worried about Sinwar's demise. But why does he still allow Iran to send rockets against Israel and threats of doom despite his fear of death and hiding from it? He openly wants others dead but wishing to remain alive. What type of diplomacy is that?
The Ayatollahs' role in overthrowing Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, in 1979, was historic. Under the Shah's rule, Iran and America enjoyed a close relationship. However, the relationship went south with Pahlavi's loss of power. Iran's loss was Iraq's gain in terms of America's friendship.
The September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center put Iraq in danger over the suspicion it had weapons of mass destruction. Its eventual capitulation from the influential position was Iran's struggle to fill. The country is rich in oil. However, the Ayatollahs' hope of destroying Israel to control the hemisphere at all costs has made Iranians the scapegoat - their country spending millions to cause trouble and seeking nuclear power while they remain in poverty. Iran sponsors Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis - all located in the same hemisphere and working for Iran to maim, kill, cause others' death.
America's unstable Iran diplomacy allowed it to blossom with terror in the region. First, Washington began an appeasement relationship with Iran under the Barack Obama administration, which released a certain amount of money to the Gulf country to persuade it to abandon the nuclear dream. The money is said to belong to Iran but frozen for its misbehavior following Pahlavi's overthrow. But the Ayatollahs are ever determined to acquire nuclear power to destroy Israel. The reason Iran has mastered dodging the nuclear agency scrutiny of its activities. It defies the agency's rules, while propping Hamas and Hezbollah to do its biddings. The former operating from Gaza and the latter from Lebanon.
What was supposed to be a revolution ushering in the Ayatollahs against Pahlavi to improve Iranians' lives is wasted pursuing the shadow and object of regional power. Iran may be shocked at the new Israeli power that has shocked the world. The monsters in Gaza were uprooted halfway with a determination for their complete overthrow. Hezbollah suddenly found Israel demonstrating a power beyond human possession that shows God fighting for Israel. And all of a sudden, Nasrallah became history, prompting Khamenei to hiding! Then shot rockets against Israel in retaliation for Nasrallah's demise. Boom, another bad news for Iran while the world awaited Israel's response to Iran's rain of rockets - Sinwar's end.
Is Ayatollah Khamenei still in hiding? Why does he need to run from danger when he allows Iran to export the staple against other nations? Is it still not fishing for more trouble seeking to assassinate a former American president for an official act? But Israel is the real fire Iran faces. With Nasrallah gone, will Israel allow the powers that used him as a proxy to live? Does the power in Iran expect to survive the evil it built in Gaza that resulted in the loss of over 40,000,000 lives in Gaza?
Some people mistakenly blame Israel for the Gaza Strip loss, forgetting Iran is the axis of evil that caused the Gaza implosion. Do you allow someone to come into your home to kill 2000 of your children and not seek to destroy them and their human shield? Iran cannot escape accountability for the Gaza loss to prove a lesson in how not to manage a revolution. Iran had a revolution, a sudden and fundamental change of government by the people for a people-centered administration, not for a bloodthirsty arrogance of power that Iran's Mullahs have made.
Iran is moving close to the climax of the evil planted by the Mullahs against the people's wishes. It is the crux of the anti-people politicians who seize every opportunity to force their will on the people. They change the system to favor their agenda. The evil they planted is spewing forth. The proxies are in disarray. Khamenei must have realized that one can run but can never hide from death. He manages an evil inheritance devoid of sane diplomacy and the Hen is coming home to roost.
The Ayatollahs' role in overthrowing Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, in 1979, was historic. Under the Shah's rule, Iran and America enjoyed a close relationship. However, the relationship went south with Pahlavi's loss of power. Iran's loss was Iraq's gain in terms of America's friendship.
The September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center put Iraq in danger over the suspicion it had weapons of mass destruction. Its eventual capitulation from the influential position was Iran's struggle to fill. The country is rich in oil. However, the Ayatollahs' hope of destroying Israel to control the hemisphere at all costs has made Iranians the scapegoat - their country spending millions to cause trouble and seeking nuclear power while they remain in poverty. Iran sponsors Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis - all located in the same hemisphere and working for Iran to maim, kill, cause others' death.
America's unstable Iran diplomacy allowed it to blossom with terror in the region. First, Washington began an appeasement relationship with Iran under the Barack Obama administration, which released a certain amount of money to the Gulf country to persuade it to abandon the nuclear dream. The money is said to belong to Iran but frozen for its misbehavior following Pahlavi's overthrow. But the Ayatollahs are ever determined to acquire nuclear power to destroy Israel. The reason Iran has mastered dodging the nuclear agency scrutiny of its activities. It defies the agency's rules, while propping Hamas and Hezbollah to do its biddings. The former operating from Gaza and the latter from Lebanon.
What was supposed to be a revolution ushering in the Ayatollahs against Pahlavi to improve Iranians' lives is wasted pursuing the shadow and object of regional power. Iran may be shocked at the new Israeli power that has shocked the world. The monsters in Gaza were uprooted halfway with a determination for their complete overthrow. Hezbollah suddenly found Israel demonstrating a power beyond human possession that shows God fighting for Israel. And all of a sudden, Nasrallah became history, prompting Khamenei to hiding! Then shot rockets against Israel in retaliation for Nasrallah's demise. Boom, another bad news for Iran while the world awaited Israel's response to Iran's rain of rockets - Sinwar's end.
Is Ayatollah Khamenei still in hiding? Why does he need to run from danger when he allows Iran to export the staple against other nations? Is it still not fishing for more trouble seeking to assassinate a former American president for an official act? But Israel is the real fire Iran faces. With Nasrallah gone, will Israel allow the powers that used him as a proxy to live? Does the power in Iran expect to survive the evil it built in Gaza that resulted in the loss of over 40,000,000 lives in Gaza?
Some people mistakenly blame Israel for the Gaza Strip loss, forgetting Iran is the axis of evil that caused the Gaza implosion. Do you allow someone to come into your home to kill 2000 of your children and not seek to destroy them and their human shield? Iran cannot escape accountability for the Gaza loss to prove a lesson in how not to manage a revolution. Iran had a revolution, a sudden and fundamental change of government by the people for a people-centered administration, not for a bloodthirsty arrogance of power that Iran's Mullahs have made.
Iran is moving close to the climax of the evil planted by the Mullahs against the people's wishes. It is the crux of the anti-people politicians who seize every opportunity to force their will on the people. They change the system to favor their agenda. The evil they planted is spewing forth. The proxies are in disarray. Khamenei must have realized that one can run but can never hide from death. He manages an evil inheritance devoid of sane diplomacy and the Hen is coming home to roost.
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