Liberal Media Tasks Cheney, But...
20 June 2014 By Abi Giwa

Dick Cheney and daughter, Liz Cheney, had both authored an Op-ed article for the Wall Street Journal, criticizing President Barack Obama's handling of foreign policy.
A columnist each in the New York Times and New York Daily News went after the Cheneys, with questions about the moral right the former vice-president had to question current White House occupant over the 2011 withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.
However, the Daily News presented a reminder of the enlightenment philosophy in journalism by presenting a news report about a sharp drop in President Obama's poll rating to balance its report based on respondents view of the president's handling of foreign policy, suggesting that it has not been only former Vice-President Cheney who thinks complete withdrawal of the American forces from Iraq and the management of the Syrian war are partly responsible for the ISIS current murderous onslaught in Iraq.
When Bashir Al-Assad said in January 2013 that those who had declared war against his regime were not revolutionaries, but terrorists and slaves of regional powers, his detractors said the guys that had turned Syria into killing a field were freedom fighters. Now that the ISIS have turned against Iraq, they have suddenly become terrorists.
Terrorists is what they are, but if western powers have seen them for what they are in Syria, they would not have contemplated given them arms and have a considerable number of force to help defend fragile Iraq, the ISIS would not have the gut to turn and invade Iraq upon failing in Syria.
What people are saying is that Western powers have expended so much human and financial resources even by mistake in Iraq, and that it is morally wrong to now see a good job done out of error go up in smoke. At the end of the day, people will not hold only George Bush and Dick Cheney responsible, President Obama will have own share of the blame as the poll that has been published by the Daily News has attested.
A columnist each in the New York Times and New York Daily News went after the Cheneys, with questions about the moral right the former vice-president had to question current White House occupant over the 2011 withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.
However, the Daily News presented a reminder of the enlightenment philosophy in journalism by presenting a news report about a sharp drop in President Obama's poll rating to balance its report based on respondents view of the president's handling of foreign policy, suggesting that it has not been only former Vice-President Cheney who thinks complete withdrawal of the American forces from Iraq and the management of the Syrian war are partly responsible for the ISIS current murderous onslaught in Iraq.
When Bashir Al-Assad said in January 2013 that those who had declared war against his regime were not revolutionaries, but terrorists and slaves of regional powers, his detractors said the guys that had turned Syria into killing a field were freedom fighters. Now that the ISIS have turned against Iraq, they have suddenly become terrorists.
Terrorists is what they are, but if western powers have seen them for what they are in Syria, they would not have contemplated given them arms and have a considerable number of force to help defend fragile Iraq, the ISIS would not have the gut to turn and invade Iraq upon failing in Syria.
What people are saying is that Western powers have expended so much human and financial resources even by mistake in Iraq, and that it is morally wrong to now see a good job done out of error go up in smoke. At the end of the day, people will not hold only George Bush and Dick Cheney responsible, President Obama will have own share of the blame as the poll that has been published by the Daily News has attested.