The Difference Between God and Man
June 24, 2020 By Abiodun Giwa
God said to Noah to build an ark to save himself and members of his household because the world was wicked and God wanted to destroy everything with flood. People believe it was a punishment for the world's wickedness. And everything died, except Noah and members of his household, and those things God told Noah to take with him into the ark.
It was a clean wipe, leaving just Noah and members of his household. And when the flood was over, a dove came with an olive branch on its beak and when it found no where to land because the water was not completely dried, the dove went off. Another dove arrived with yet another olive branch on its beak and it found a place to land, signifying an end of the flood.
There was no case of whether the flood had subsided or not. Unlike now that the world is uncertain whether Covid-19 has ended or not and we are made to live with the fear that it may return in the Fall. Fact is that China that has been celebrating the end of Covid-19 has closed schools in Beinjing following a new outbreak in that country, showing that China where the Covid-19 first emerged does not know what is happening and the matter is beyond its control. But why China is keeping the world away from knowing the whole fact behind Covid-19 is beyond us all.
Some of us who are religious are already saying that Covid-19 is a result of world's sinfulness and wickedness. They compare the modern world to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. One cannot doubt them. The reason is that many of us believe that the world is nothing getting better but worse. They give as example the Noah's flood, the building of a tower to reach heaven and God's decision to scatter the language and replaced with many languages leading destruction of the unity among people in the world to cooperate towards achieving meaningful progress. It was later that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah came into the story. The argument here is that if the world had learned a lesson from the flood in Noah's days, There would have the instance of building a tower to reach heaven and there would not have Sodom and Gomorrah.
We all know what the Sodom and Gomorrah story is about. There is nothing to show that the world learned any lesson from the Sodom and Gomorrah story from what is happening in the world today. Many Christians have given up and believe that you don't fight for God and that God will fight for himself. The governor of south Dakota, Doug Burgum, said we ought to learn from our mistakes during an appearance on Fox News. Are we learning from our mistakes and do we really believe we make mistakes? Does the U.S. believe that a mistake has been made in policy making that is affecting the current and tearing the country apart? Is the mistake about systemic slavery or another policy?
If anyone dare says that the current deadly Coronavirus is a result of world's sinfulness or wickedness, which many people are saying is worse than the days of Noah, the days of the Tower of Babel and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the shout of religion fanaticism would rent the air. Meaning one dare not talk about how far the world has gone against God's commandments in our drive for satanic inclusiveness and modernism and the Liberal crowd does not want to hear about God. However, one thing is clear and it is that God, unlike man, is not an author of confusion.
Dr. Fauci and his team of scientists are fighting a virus to save our lives amid a confusion and China's refusal to release adequate information on the root cause of the virus these scientists are leading to safe-guard our lives and the community. These scientists are like solution finders groping in the dark as long as they don't have information about the cause of the virus that is seeking to kill all of us. Why cannot these scientists (from all countries around the world) bind together with WHO, and make China divulge all the information the country has about the emergence of Covid-19?
It was a clean wipe, leaving just Noah and members of his household. And when the flood was over, a dove came with an olive branch on its beak and when it found no where to land because the water was not completely dried, the dove went off. Another dove arrived with yet another olive branch on its beak and it found a place to land, signifying an end of the flood.
There was no case of whether the flood had subsided or not. Unlike now that the world is uncertain whether Covid-19 has ended or not and we are made to live with the fear that it may return in the Fall. Fact is that China that has been celebrating the end of Covid-19 has closed schools in Beinjing following a new outbreak in that country, showing that China where the Covid-19 first emerged does not know what is happening and the matter is beyond its control. But why China is keeping the world away from knowing the whole fact behind Covid-19 is beyond us all.
Some of us who are religious are already saying that Covid-19 is a result of world's sinfulness and wickedness. They compare the modern world to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. One cannot doubt them. The reason is that many of us believe that the world is nothing getting better but worse. They give as example the Noah's flood, the building of a tower to reach heaven and God's decision to scatter the language and replaced with many languages leading destruction of the unity among people in the world to cooperate towards achieving meaningful progress. It was later that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah came into the story. The argument here is that if the world had learned a lesson from the flood in Noah's days, There would have the instance of building a tower to reach heaven and there would not have Sodom and Gomorrah.
We all know what the Sodom and Gomorrah story is about. There is nothing to show that the world learned any lesson from the Sodom and Gomorrah story from what is happening in the world today. Many Christians have given up and believe that you don't fight for God and that God will fight for himself. The governor of south Dakota, Doug Burgum, said we ought to learn from our mistakes during an appearance on Fox News. Are we learning from our mistakes and do we really believe we make mistakes? Does the U.S. believe that a mistake has been made in policy making that is affecting the current and tearing the country apart? Is the mistake about systemic slavery or another policy?
If anyone dare says that the current deadly Coronavirus is a result of world's sinfulness or wickedness, which many people are saying is worse than the days of Noah, the days of the Tower of Babel and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, the shout of religion fanaticism would rent the air. Meaning one dare not talk about how far the world has gone against God's commandments in our drive for satanic inclusiveness and modernism and the Liberal crowd does not want to hear about God. However, one thing is clear and it is that God, unlike man, is not an author of confusion.
Dr. Fauci and his team of scientists are fighting a virus to save our lives amid a confusion and China's refusal to release adequate information on the root cause of the virus these scientists are leading to safe-guard our lives and the community. These scientists are like solution finders groping in the dark as long as they don't have information about the cause of the virus that is seeking to kill all of us. Why cannot these scientists (from all countries around the world) bind together with WHO, and make China divulge all the information the country has about the emergence of Covid-19?
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