The failure of capitalism, socialism, and communism
3 January 2021 By Abiodun Giwa

Most people who are rich today were born poor. They either had worked hard, struggled or came into something that looked like luck and became rich. They have a rag to riches story, and they can claim Williams Shakespeare's words that that they have achieved greatness, unlike those who may have been born great or have greatness thrust upon. Whether one has been born great, achieve greatness or has greatness thrust upon him or her, the certainty is that they are all great and on equal ground.
The issue is that there are millions of people around the world who wants to be on the same ground like these ones, or who do not want their own children to be equivalent of the hewers of the wood and the drawers of the water that life is to them due to the level of poverty they find themselves due to not fault of their own. They have discovered the way they are treated that the society has stylishly criminalized poverty. It is the reason everyone is working hard to break away from the cycle of poverty. Some parents have invested all they have in their children's education believing when their children have the education, they will arrive on the ground of the great and will pull other members of the family up. But that expectation has become an illusion and has failed to materialize.
In the middle of this struggle, some have deliberately become thieves to be rich and be great. Some who have been caught stealing are vilified and those who are smart enough and not caught are glorified. People talk about life and getting what one wants from life as a risk. Should it be? Obviously, some have become so powerful in the society and can do anything and go free without apprehension. However, what is most obnoxious is a system in which few are wealthy and a larger number of people can hardly get by. This has become the face of politics in all countries of the world, and managing the poverty class has become an issue tearing the ruling classes apart. Look at the event in your own country as i am looking at the one here in the United States and you will get the picture of the issue here.
How can a few people be deciding how to use a country's resources and don't know that the poor masses need to be adequately catered for. Imagine a single man spending so much money towards ensuring the success of a political party in an election that if such money has been distributed among Americans a million dollars would go to each person. Whether a country is governed by a titular king or through elected representation does not matter. what matters is that the people have what makes life worthy of living. Because the society has failed in addressing the issue of equality of all humans is the reason that police has become instruments of protection and defense against crimes that are avoidable in a well managed system.
The present situation across the countries around the world is a reminder of Samuel's warning to Israelites in the Holy bible that that would have a king like other nations around them, but they should consider their own lives as servants in a land ruled by a king. An understanding of a line in Beowulf shows that a benevolent king is better than an unbenevolent democratic system of government where few or many or all elected representatives have become smart. An equitable system of governance should recognize the need to make every human live a decent life. Currently, homelessness, hunger, and acute poverty, are not being addressed the way they should.
Capitalism, socialism and communism, have all failed. It is time to seek a new system that will place every human being on an equal level, in term of access to adequate feeding, clothing, housing and education. The lack of provision and management of these essential needs is the cause of the friction in the system, and have made members of the ruling class assumed the role of angels making people think they are doing their best to provide for the people.
The issue is that there are millions of people around the world who wants to be on the same ground like these ones, or who do not want their own children to be equivalent of the hewers of the wood and the drawers of the water that life is to them due to the level of poverty they find themselves due to not fault of their own. They have discovered the way they are treated that the society has stylishly criminalized poverty. It is the reason everyone is working hard to break away from the cycle of poverty. Some parents have invested all they have in their children's education believing when their children have the education, they will arrive on the ground of the great and will pull other members of the family up. But that expectation has become an illusion and has failed to materialize.
In the middle of this struggle, some have deliberately become thieves to be rich and be great. Some who have been caught stealing are vilified and those who are smart enough and not caught are glorified. People talk about life and getting what one wants from life as a risk. Should it be? Obviously, some have become so powerful in the society and can do anything and go free without apprehension. However, what is most obnoxious is a system in which few are wealthy and a larger number of people can hardly get by. This has become the face of politics in all countries of the world, and managing the poverty class has become an issue tearing the ruling classes apart. Look at the event in your own country as i am looking at the one here in the United States and you will get the picture of the issue here.
How can a few people be deciding how to use a country's resources and don't know that the poor masses need to be adequately catered for. Imagine a single man spending so much money towards ensuring the success of a political party in an election that if such money has been distributed among Americans a million dollars would go to each person. Whether a country is governed by a titular king or through elected representation does not matter. what matters is that the people have what makes life worthy of living. Because the society has failed in addressing the issue of equality of all humans is the reason that police has become instruments of protection and defense against crimes that are avoidable in a well managed system.
The present situation across the countries around the world is a reminder of Samuel's warning to Israelites in the Holy bible that that would have a king like other nations around them, but they should consider their own lives as servants in a land ruled by a king. An understanding of a line in Beowulf shows that a benevolent king is better than an unbenevolent democratic system of government where few or many or all elected representatives have become smart. An equitable system of governance should recognize the need to make every human live a decent life. Currently, homelessness, hunger, and acute poverty, are not being addressed the way they should.
Capitalism, socialism and communism, have all failed. It is time to seek a new system that will place every human being on an equal level, in term of access to adequate feeding, clothing, housing and education. The lack of provision and management of these essential needs is the cause of the friction in the system, and have made members of the ruling class assumed the role of angels making people think they are doing their best to provide for the people.
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