The politics of Soleimani and Iran
January 21 2020 By Abiodun Giwa

Have you heard the Democratic Party bigwigs' position on the killing of Qassem Soleimani? All the party's presidential candidates said that Soleimani had American bloods in his hands! But they are all opposed to his elimination because of fears for consequences of the killing.
This position that has almost become the party's official position raises a question about whether there is anything anyone done that does not have consequences to be managed?
The Iranian authorities have talked largely about retaliation for the January 2, 2020 unforgettable killing of the 62 years old Iranian General Qassem Soleimani by a drone attack at the Baghdad Airport. There is no doubt about the cause of the killing. The American Pentagon said the killing was carried out on the instruction of President Donald Trump. And President Trump said he ordered the elimination to stop a war and not to start a war.
The first salvo of opposition to Trump came from Speaker Nancy Pelosi of the Democratic Party controlled House, who said that Trump did not inform the Congress before the attack on Soleimani was executed. It is not that she said Soleimani was an angel who should not have been killed. she knew that the executive had enough time to communicate the decision leading to Soleimani's killing withing 48 hours that had not expired. And Senator Charles Schumer is demanding for the declassification of the information to the Congress, when he knew very well that the president could use executive privilege to still such declassification. Meanwhile, the Republican Party controlled senate stands solidly behind the president.
Why do the Democratic Party members of the Congress think the United States can leave undone what should be done to keep America and Americans safe, if indeed Soleimani was considered as having blood in his hands and that he had spent several years harvesting American lives? Why was he not taken out before now timely to save those American lives?
If anything, the event of January 2, 2020, at the Baghdad airport was a rewind of the tape of history back to the revolution that unseated the Reza Pahlavi - the Shah of Iran, the foisting of an Islamic regime on the Iranians and the loss of good relationship between the American authorities and the Iranian authorities. Pahlavi was America's friend whom the Ayatollah's unseated.
Secondly, without the revolution, Soleimani would probably have remained irrelevant in the struggle between Iran and America, just like he was relatively unknown to the ordinary people in several parts of the world, except those actively engaged in diplomacy with hands in dirty wars in the Middle East. This is where Soleimani's relevance comes in as the hatchet man of the Islamic regime floated by the Ayatollahs against reports in news reports in newspapers like Washington Post that he protected Iran from the Islamic State. .
Undoubtedly, Soleimani occupied a very dangerous spot in the politics of his country as a man the Ayatollahs relied upon to conduct their diplomacy and on their behalf ensured peace at home and take care of those designated as enemies outside the country. It was not a mean job for weak fellows and one could be sure that Soleimani at the early stage of his engagement should have told people close to him about possibility of death before the time envisaged for him to die by Allah.
Soleimani had just the elementary school education, according to Wikipedia. He began work at a construction site to repay his father's debt. After that, he joined the revolutionary Guard in 1979. He said he entered the Iraq-Iran war on a fifteen-day mission and ended staying until the end. He said he and colleagues were all young and wanted to serve the revolution. yes, the revolution. As a young men, they were unaware the revolution in Iran ended with the consolidation of power by the Ayatollahs and that as an instrument in the hands of the Ayatollahs, their deeds later would not be considered as revolutionary, but the defense of the Islamic regime.
The earliest job in his career was as guardsman in northwestern Iran and suppression of the Kurdish separatist uprising in West Azerbaijan province. By available account, Soleimani started out early and grew on the job, and for 50 years, he did and carried out the wishes of the Ayatollahs. Whatever power he had that made the Ayatollah's to trust his invisibility is not for this story.
That invisibility was terminated on January 2, 2020 after Soleimani had made vast connections spanning the Middle East, Russia and China. But he was either unaware or careless that his deeds were recorded by all politicians in the U.S. and others in the policy community that he was an instrument of death in the hands of the Ayatollahs. And the reason Ayatollahs quickly made a replacement for his position, because they would not start a war that would threaten the base and their endless hold to power.
People have asked about Soleimani's business in Iraq on January 2. The answer came from the Iraq's Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi, who reportedly said Soleimani was to deliver a message to him that the Saudis were ready for a dialogue. As an Army general, why did not he allow the country's secretary of state to do the job? Some reports say that that he conveniently combined the two positions - a general and an envoy.TOr the nation's envoy sits at home while Soleimani takes upon himself the additional role of an envoy.
In a short spell, one Democratic Party bigwig had said the impeachment push at home is to make Trump one term president. And now reports are circulating the Iranians also have a plan to make Trump one time president, and is their working to make him one time president not circumventing the voting process? If the Democratic Party and Iranians have agreed to make him one time president, why then do Americans be asked to vote in an election? Iranians said they are not after Americans, but after Trump and have put some of Trump properties online showing what they may likely be after in retaliation. And Trump warned that touching anything American as retaliation for taking out a terrorist would be disastrous for Iran. trump does not seem to believe Iran's threats and Iran does not seem to believe Trump's threats.
The threats have continued with Soleimani physically out of the equation, leaving his successor Esmail Ghanni to take whatever is coming from anywhere.with his own threat to expel America from the Middle East. The question still remains whether President Trump can survive threats from opposing politicians at home and threats from a fairly large section of the Middle East. The answer is that the opposing Democratic Party at home has not been transparent enough in its handling of issues about Trump.
Amid this scenario, the Iranians began to fire missiles into U.S. interests in Baghdad in retaliation to Soleimani's killing. And Surprisingly, this was followed by restraint from the U.S.Then, an aircraft is downed killing 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians. Iranians first rejected the allegation it shot down the aircraft before it accepted that it mistakenly shot down the aircraft. Iranians hate their own leaders for lack of precision that led to a mistake of an aircraft for a missile that was consequently downed. And then quiet..
This position that has almost become the party's official position raises a question about whether there is anything anyone done that does not have consequences to be managed?
The Iranian authorities have talked largely about retaliation for the January 2, 2020 unforgettable killing of the 62 years old Iranian General Qassem Soleimani by a drone attack at the Baghdad Airport. There is no doubt about the cause of the killing. The American Pentagon said the killing was carried out on the instruction of President Donald Trump. And President Trump said he ordered the elimination to stop a war and not to start a war.
The first salvo of opposition to Trump came from Speaker Nancy Pelosi of the Democratic Party controlled House, who said that Trump did not inform the Congress before the attack on Soleimani was executed. It is not that she said Soleimani was an angel who should not have been killed. she knew that the executive had enough time to communicate the decision leading to Soleimani's killing withing 48 hours that had not expired. And Senator Charles Schumer is demanding for the declassification of the information to the Congress, when he knew very well that the president could use executive privilege to still such declassification. Meanwhile, the Republican Party controlled senate stands solidly behind the president.
Why do the Democratic Party members of the Congress think the United States can leave undone what should be done to keep America and Americans safe, if indeed Soleimani was considered as having blood in his hands and that he had spent several years harvesting American lives? Why was he not taken out before now timely to save those American lives?
If anything, the event of January 2, 2020, at the Baghdad airport was a rewind of the tape of history back to the revolution that unseated the Reza Pahlavi - the Shah of Iran, the foisting of an Islamic regime on the Iranians and the loss of good relationship between the American authorities and the Iranian authorities. Pahlavi was America's friend whom the Ayatollah's unseated.
Secondly, without the revolution, Soleimani would probably have remained irrelevant in the struggle between Iran and America, just like he was relatively unknown to the ordinary people in several parts of the world, except those actively engaged in diplomacy with hands in dirty wars in the Middle East. This is where Soleimani's relevance comes in as the hatchet man of the Islamic regime floated by the Ayatollahs against reports in news reports in newspapers like Washington Post that he protected Iran from the Islamic State. .
Undoubtedly, Soleimani occupied a very dangerous spot in the politics of his country as a man the Ayatollahs relied upon to conduct their diplomacy and on their behalf ensured peace at home and take care of those designated as enemies outside the country. It was not a mean job for weak fellows and one could be sure that Soleimani at the early stage of his engagement should have told people close to him about possibility of death before the time envisaged for him to die by Allah.
Soleimani had just the elementary school education, according to Wikipedia. He began work at a construction site to repay his father's debt. After that, he joined the revolutionary Guard in 1979. He said he entered the Iraq-Iran war on a fifteen-day mission and ended staying until the end. He said he and colleagues were all young and wanted to serve the revolution. yes, the revolution. As a young men, they were unaware the revolution in Iran ended with the consolidation of power by the Ayatollahs and that as an instrument in the hands of the Ayatollahs, their deeds later would not be considered as revolutionary, but the defense of the Islamic regime.
The earliest job in his career was as guardsman in northwestern Iran and suppression of the Kurdish separatist uprising in West Azerbaijan province. By available account, Soleimani started out early and grew on the job, and for 50 years, he did and carried out the wishes of the Ayatollahs. Whatever power he had that made the Ayatollah's to trust his invisibility is not for this story.
That invisibility was terminated on January 2, 2020 after Soleimani had made vast connections spanning the Middle East, Russia and China. But he was either unaware or careless that his deeds were recorded by all politicians in the U.S. and others in the policy community that he was an instrument of death in the hands of the Ayatollahs. And the reason Ayatollahs quickly made a replacement for his position, because they would not start a war that would threaten the base and their endless hold to power.
People have asked about Soleimani's business in Iraq on January 2. The answer came from the Iraq's Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi, who reportedly said Soleimani was to deliver a message to him that the Saudis were ready for a dialogue. As an Army general, why did not he allow the country's secretary of state to do the job? Some reports say that that he conveniently combined the two positions - a general and an envoy.TOr the nation's envoy sits at home while Soleimani takes upon himself the additional role of an envoy.
In a short spell, one Democratic Party bigwig had said the impeachment push at home is to make Trump one term president. And now reports are circulating the Iranians also have a plan to make Trump one time president, and is their working to make him one time president not circumventing the voting process? If the Democratic Party and Iranians have agreed to make him one time president, why then do Americans be asked to vote in an election? Iranians said they are not after Americans, but after Trump and have put some of Trump properties online showing what they may likely be after in retaliation. And Trump warned that touching anything American as retaliation for taking out a terrorist would be disastrous for Iran. trump does not seem to believe Iran's threats and Iran does not seem to believe Trump's threats.
The threats have continued with Soleimani physically out of the equation, leaving his successor Esmail Ghanni to take whatever is coming from anywhere.with his own threat to expel America from the Middle East. The question still remains whether President Trump can survive threats from opposing politicians at home and threats from a fairly large section of the Middle East. The answer is that the opposing Democratic Party at home has not been transparent enough in its handling of issues about Trump.
Amid this scenario, the Iranians began to fire missiles into U.S. interests in Baghdad in retaliation to Soleimani's killing. And Surprisingly, this was followed by restraint from the U.S.Then, an aircraft is downed killing 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians. Iranians first rejected the allegation it shot down the aircraft before it accepted that it mistakenly shot down the aircraft. Iranians hate their own leaders for lack of precision that led to a mistake of an aircraft for a missile that was consequently downed. And then quiet..