Ukraine, wars and diminished humanity
26 February 2023 By Kareem Abiodun Giwa

Ernest Hemingway hardly knew there could be another World War when he wrote his Farewell to Arms in 1929. Yet, instead of bidding bye to arms, the World embraced it, as the Second World War followed soon in 1945. Hemingway's intention for writing the epoch-making book was to discourage wars, but wars have become staples, locally and internationally, with the looming terror of another World War.
The marking of the first year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Saturday is a stark reminder of the horror of death and destruction associated with wars which compelled the seminar work based on the first World. Many live dreading that the third World War may be near because guns and bombs now rule the World.
The worry increased with Russia's Vladimir Putin's decision to pull out his country from the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, START, on the eve of the war with Ukraine. The United States and other Western countries have condemned Putin's decision. Yet, Russia has said its decision is irreversible.
There were gatherings in various places in the U.S. on Saturday, remembering the first year of Putin's invasion one year ago amid tension and uncertainty and the direction of diplomatic cooperation between Russia and China. So why is Russia not ceding the part of Ukraine it currently occupies?
Many see China's cooperation with Russia as readiness or preparation for its invasion of Taiwan. That is how lousy disrespect for sovereignty and the rights of other people to exist have become for the powerful. The weaker you are, the more you are inclined to be trodden upon by the powerful.
Aside from the war in Ukraine, the dread of the shooting war, and the bomb scare, there is a war in every aspect of human lives - endless social and economic war. The war in Ukraine has thrown the World into unmitigated monetary inflation. And reputable world leaders are using the battle to avoid responsibility from financial management comatose.
More money has gone to fighting Ukraine war than helping people back in their countries. Showing that war claims lives and causes destruction, just as it creates a harsh economic situation. The cities are hardly safe from gun deaths on the streets and other common areas. The fight for election victory is also a thug of war. Every political party and candidate contest to win, but few ever consider fulfilling election promises.
The fight by the rich to get richer and the poor escaping the dragnet of poverty is another war. Does anyone ever win a shooting and bombing war and the evil effect on humanity? Doubtful. And people are still talking about Ukraine winning, and the devil-inspired Putin also wants a victory! So more arms enter Ukraine to help Ukrainians defeat Putin.
Whither humanity in the beleaguered country? More deaths, destruction, and injury would not change the picture of a diminished society. However, Ukrainians need help and support in the face of an unusual challenge.
The marking of the first year of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Saturday is a stark reminder of the horror of death and destruction associated with wars which compelled the seminar work based on the first World. Many live dreading that the third World War may be near because guns and bombs now rule the World.
The worry increased with Russia's Vladimir Putin's decision to pull out his country from the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, START, on the eve of the war with Ukraine. The United States and other Western countries have condemned Putin's decision. Yet, Russia has said its decision is irreversible.
There were gatherings in various places in the U.S. on Saturday, remembering the first year of Putin's invasion one year ago amid tension and uncertainty and the direction of diplomatic cooperation between Russia and China. So why is Russia not ceding the part of Ukraine it currently occupies?
Many see China's cooperation with Russia as readiness or preparation for its invasion of Taiwan. That is how lousy disrespect for sovereignty and the rights of other people to exist have become for the powerful. The weaker you are, the more you are inclined to be trodden upon by the powerful.
Aside from the war in Ukraine, the dread of the shooting war, and the bomb scare, there is a war in every aspect of human lives - endless social and economic war. The war in Ukraine has thrown the World into unmitigated monetary inflation. And reputable world leaders are using the battle to avoid responsibility from financial management comatose.
More money has gone to fighting Ukraine war than helping people back in their countries. Showing that war claims lives and causes destruction, just as it creates a harsh economic situation. The cities are hardly safe from gun deaths on the streets and other common areas. The fight for election victory is also a thug of war. Every political party and candidate contest to win, but few ever consider fulfilling election promises.
The fight by the rich to get richer and the poor escaping the dragnet of poverty is another war. Does anyone ever win a shooting and bombing war and the evil effect on humanity? Doubtful. And people are still talking about Ukraine winning, and the devil-inspired Putin also wants a victory! So more arms enter Ukraine to help Ukrainians defeat Putin.
Whither humanity in the beleaguered country? More deaths, destruction, and injury would not change the picture of a diminished society. However, Ukrainians need help and support in the face of an unusual challenge.
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