Aleppo on Fire - Dozens of Civilians Die
December 13 2016 By Abiodun Giwa

Civiilians are dying in Aleppo, the seat of opposition forces against Bashir al-Assad of Syria.
They are caught between Syrian forces and rebel forces in the city, in a battle by the Syrian forces to take the city back.
The civilian population has cried out to be saved. The United Nations has expressed serious concern, about confirmed attacks on civilians, while Syrian forces drop fire, reliably aided by Iranians, on rebel held areas, east of the city.
The 'USA Today' says in a headline, "Aleppo Civilians Facing Execution Plead, "Oh God, help us,'
The report says that trapped civilians see death on their doorsteps. Some of the civilians are reprotred to be making phone calls decribing their fate with gun fires and bombs as unwanted musical notes. One person said he could not see what was happening on the streets, but he heard the sounds of bombs.
One commentator on the television said that today, Tuesday, is the worst day of catastrohe anyone can imagine in the lives of Aleppo residents considering the carnage around them as Syrian forces push into the city on the air and ground against the rebel forces. Someime last week, the Syrian forces were reported to be issuing warning to the rebels to flee and abandon the city, failing thry would face fire and inevitable death.
One doctor said that they are killing everyone. He said that his friends who are doctors and providing medical services have be killed and as he said the everyone is dying, he will also soon die.
Aman spoke about how his wife got killed and before his children also died. He said they died becuas there was no way they could get out of the way of the forces of death from both sides of the conflict. Syrisn government forces are reported to have upper hands in the conflict here against the rebels and that Syria is close to regaining the city, but at the expense of civilians, who say the city is their home and have no where to go, other than to lay down their lives defending the city.
The question being asked is that if the east of the city is besieged, and it has been turned into slaughter ground by government and opposing forces, why cannot civilians abandon their homes in the east and flee to other parts of the city? Shouldn't there be a choice between life and death for innocent civilians?
They are caught between Syrian forces and rebel forces in the city, in a battle by the Syrian forces to take the city back.
The civilian population has cried out to be saved. The United Nations has expressed serious concern, about confirmed attacks on civilians, while Syrian forces drop fire, reliably aided by Iranians, on rebel held areas, east of the city.
The 'USA Today' says in a headline, "Aleppo Civilians Facing Execution Plead, "Oh God, help us,'
The report says that trapped civilians see death on their doorsteps. Some of the civilians are reprotred to be making phone calls decribing their fate with gun fires and bombs as unwanted musical notes. One person said he could not see what was happening on the streets, but he heard the sounds of bombs.
One commentator on the television said that today, Tuesday, is the worst day of catastrohe anyone can imagine in the lives of Aleppo residents considering the carnage around them as Syrian forces push into the city on the air and ground against the rebel forces. Someime last week, the Syrian forces were reported to be issuing warning to the rebels to flee and abandon the city, failing thry would face fire and inevitable death.
One doctor said that they are killing everyone. He said that his friends who are doctors and providing medical services have be killed and as he said the everyone is dying, he will also soon die.
Aman spoke about how his wife got killed and before his children also died. He said they died becuas there was no way they could get out of the way of the forces of death from both sides of the conflict. Syrisn government forces are reported to have upper hands in the conflict here against the rebels and that Syria is close to regaining the city, but at the expense of civilians, who say the city is their home and have no where to go, other than to lay down their lives defending the city.
The question being asked is that if the east of the city is besieged, and it has been turned into slaughter ground by government and opposing forces, why cannot civilians abandon their homes in the east and flee to other parts of the city? Shouldn't there be a choice between life and death for innocent civilians?