America No Longer A Sexy Country?
November 12 2017 By Abiodun Giwa

The number of men who have been accused of sexual misconduct in the United States is on the increase and almost competing with the number of women who have accused men of misconduct.
The men made the Saturday cover stories for both the New York Daily News and the New York Post respectively.
Some of the men so accused of sexual predatory have come clean. Some of them have already submitted to rehabilitation. Some of them have accepted that they have been jerks, while some are still in denial.
The New York Police Department said last week it was looking into possibility of dragging one of the men to court for breaking the law.
Suddenly, America seems to be undergoing a transformation from a sexy country to a new sense of renewal and almost like beating the pentecoastal churches in pentecostalism, some observers have funningly noted. But many observers say that this developement is like a passing phase and that it would not last, before some will return to their vomit.
The reason, they say is that there would be many in the society seeking stardom, who will have to pass through the gate to heaven manned by powerful men, and that just as several years of silence has marked some of the sexual misconducts currently in announcdement, so will interacvtions between powerful men and stardom seekers remain in the dark.
It is noted that there is nothing essentially wrong for a man to go after a woman seeking her affection, but when the woman turns down the offer the man is not expected to be persiistent in the face of rejection. When a man persists without decorum is when harassment comes into the matter.
And a case of harassment is not supposed to be kept under the rug for so long that it gathers the cobwell, unless the victim fears reprisal or a loss of benefit. Apparently, many of the men accused of sexual misconduct have given men a bad name and that not all will believe that all men are not jerks or sick.
Just as the women who keep their expereince under wrap for so many years are not better than jerks or the sick men, whose characteristics of sexual demonstration of masturbation before women not only demean men but make them really sick, a reminder of Sodom and Gommorah and its eventual destruction.
For a long time, people have been secretly refering to the U.S. as a version of Sodom and Gommorah. Revelations about this sickening sexual immorality has helped confirmw what many people have been saying secretly. The only comfort here is that there may be more than number of innocent people here to warrnat God from bringing bdestruction upon us all.
Remember that Abraham sought God to forgive Sodom and Gommorah, but God's insistence to destroy Sodom and Gommorah persisted, because the place lacked enough number of people who were not immoral. The destruction on Sodom happened, when the angels of God when to lots house and some people in the city went and asked to be allowed to defy the men. They rejected Lot's offer of her daughter to them and would prefer only the men.
The current developement shows that the Church of God has aenormous work to do in the U.S. to help steer the country from path sexual immoprality to the path of sexual decency. It is not a case of thinking that the women curently accusing the men with whom they have had interactiona re themselves angels or be treated as angels.
There is a need for renewal or newness, from uncontrolled and destructive liberal rendencies to liberal conservtism, understanding and believe in God's existence, and respect for the ways he has given for humanity's comfort. America is certainly not be alone in this case of sexual perversion. It is universal.
The men made the Saturday cover stories for both the New York Daily News and the New York Post respectively.
Some of the men so accused of sexual predatory have come clean. Some of them have already submitted to rehabilitation. Some of them have accepted that they have been jerks, while some are still in denial.
The New York Police Department said last week it was looking into possibility of dragging one of the men to court for breaking the law.
Suddenly, America seems to be undergoing a transformation from a sexy country to a new sense of renewal and almost like beating the pentecoastal churches in pentecostalism, some observers have funningly noted. But many observers say that this developement is like a passing phase and that it would not last, before some will return to their vomit.
The reason, they say is that there would be many in the society seeking stardom, who will have to pass through the gate to heaven manned by powerful men, and that just as several years of silence has marked some of the sexual misconducts currently in announcdement, so will interacvtions between powerful men and stardom seekers remain in the dark.
It is noted that there is nothing essentially wrong for a man to go after a woman seeking her affection, but when the woman turns down the offer the man is not expected to be persiistent in the face of rejection. When a man persists without decorum is when harassment comes into the matter.
And a case of harassment is not supposed to be kept under the rug for so long that it gathers the cobwell, unless the victim fears reprisal or a loss of benefit. Apparently, many of the men accused of sexual misconduct have given men a bad name and that not all will believe that all men are not jerks or sick.
Just as the women who keep their expereince under wrap for so many years are not better than jerks or the sick men, whose characteristics of sexual demonstration of masturbation before women not only demean men but make them really sick, a reminder of Sodom and Gommorah and its eventual destruction.
For a long time, people have been secretly refering to the U.S. as a version of Sodom and Gommorah. Revelations about this sickening sexual immorality has helped confirmw what many people have been saying secretly. The only comfort here is that there may be more than number of innocent people here to warrnat God from bringing bdestruction upon us all.
Remember that Abraham sought God to forgive Sodom and Gommorah, but God's insistence to destroy Sodom and Gommorah persisted, because the place lacked enough number of people who were not immoral. The destruction on Sodom happened, when the angels of God when to lots house and some people in the city went and asked to be allowed to defy the men. They rejected Lot's offer of her daughter to them and would prefer only the men.
The current developement shows that the Church of God has aenormous work to do in the U.S. to help steer the country from path sexual immoprality to the path of sexual decency. It is not a case of thinking that the women curently accusing the men with whom they have had interactiona re themselves angels or be treated as angels.
There is a need for renewal or newness, from uncontrolled and destructive liberal rendencies to liberal conservtism, understanding and believe in God's existence, and respect for the ways he has given for humanity's comfort. America is certainly not be alone in this case of sexual perversion. It is universal.
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