100 Die in India
Published: 5 January 2013
Wrapped in a Shawl (Courtesy: AP)
In China, during the week just ended, fire reportedly killed seven children.
The fire happened in a private orphanage in the country’s northern Henan
province. (BBC)
Two Australian ghost gum trees in Alice Springs have fallen victim to
arsonists who burnt them down. The two trees are regarded by officials
as living spirits and about to be included in the National Heritage Register.
Doe Adgaho has been confirmed as speaker of the country’s sixth
parliament of the Fourth Republic that will commence on 7 January 2013.
(XYZ Radio)
A police station in Song, north eastern region of the country, was
reported razed by men suspected as members of the dreaded Boko
Haram sect that declared war on the country. The fire claimed four lives,
and among them was a soldier, a civilian and a child.(BBC)
Over 100 people died of exposure to cold snap as northern India freezes.
Police reportedly confirmed 114 deaths, many of whom were poor
people found on sidewalks. The weather was at 4 degree to 10 degree
below normal. (News 24)
There was also a report of bad weather in Poland that left about 70,000
without electricity and recorded 14 deaths. (AFP)
A gun man opened fire and killed about 7 people and wounded 6 in the
town of Kawit. Police named the gun man as Ronald Bae, a local
politician who had reportedly lost an election. The police said a man
who helped Bae loaded his semi-automatic pistol was also being sought.
One seven years old and a pregnant woman were among those killed.
Leaders of Sudan and South Sudan, plans to meet to address disputes
that nearly pitched them in a war against one another, following South’s
independence in 2011, because of clashes over a disputed border.
The M23 rebels fighting President Joseph Kabila’s regime in Congo have
threatened to quit peace talks with the Democratic Republic of Congo,
unless President Kabila signs a ceasefire. (BBC)