Barack Obama: Affordable Care Act's 12th anniversary
6 April 2022 By Abiodun Giwa
President Barack Obama visited the White House on Tuesday as part of President Joseph Biden's administration marking the Affordable Care Act's 12th anniversary. The former president was his jovial self; he exuded joy and camaraderie. The ACA is his signature legacy.
Observing the ACA anniversary proves media reports correct that the Democratic Party is working on using successful programs to divert public attention from Biden's failings as the midterm election approaches.
Hillary Clinton began this idea that the party could highlight successful programs to convince voters that the government is not failing. She also said the midterm elections are always difficult for the party in power, according to a Political report But would merely reminding the public of the success of the ACA or its expansion to include additional five million people persuade Americans that the Biden administration is what it is not? Won't that mean taking American voters for granted or that the administration is confused and does not know what to do to impress Americans?
Many people thought the former president was visiting to confer with President Biden about what to do to steer the economy in the right direction, following reports the former president was visiting the White House. The administration had struggled to convince the public that the gas pump inflation was not due to the government's lack of initiative.
President Biden had blamed Vladimir Putin for everything before turning to add the names of oil dealers. And now the administration is saying the oil companies have about 9000 permits, and they should be held responsible for the pain at the gas stations for failing to begin delivery of oil to gas stations. Oil dealers are also accused of gorging.
Observers say the government is not seeking appropriate solutions to its problem but finding scapegoats. Amid this development, another report says the administration is spying on Americans. It is going the way of Obama's administration that led to the fleeing of Edward Snowden from the country after alerting the nation that the government was spying on the people.
The problem with immigration is exacerbated by seeking to impose an open border policy rather than seeking a solution. The administration may think the open border is a solution and not a problem. According to CBS News, Title 42 is about to terminate. Meaning returning illegal immigrants to their country of origin or country of departure will be a thing of the past. Biden is asking Congress to pass immigration reforms, but his open border policy direction is not helping Bipartisan cooperation.
A man alleged on the late news on Tuesday that his daughter has cancer but was denied medical attention due to a problem in the ACA. The news report is confirmed by the Independent Institute. However, people still believe Obama may have told Biden and his handlers behind the curtain not to take American voters for granted. And some others say Obama may have been the architect of the Biden administration liberal policies.
Therefore, people say they are careless of the midterm election fears concerning Clinton's words that the party in power always loses the midterm elections, showing the Democratic Party in crisis management mode.
Observing the ACA anniversary proves media reports correct that the Democratic Party is working on using successful programs to divert public attention from Biden's failings as the midterm election approaches.
Hillary Clinton began this idea that the party could highlight successful programs to convince voters that the government is not failing. She also said the midterm elections are always difficult for the party in power, according to a Political report But would merely reminding the public of the success of the ACA or its expansion to include additional five million people persuade Americans that the Biden administration is what it is not? Won't that mean taking American voters for granted or that the administration is confused and does not know what to do to impress Americans?
Many people thought the former president was visiting to confer with President Biden about what to do to steer the economy in the right direction, following reports the former president was visiting the White House. The administration had struggled to convince the public that the gas pump inflation was not due to the government's lack of initiative.
President Biden had blamed Vladimir Putin for everything before turning to add the names of oil dealers. And now the administration is saying the oil companies have about 9000 permits, and they should be held responsible for the pain at the gas stations for failing to begin delivery of oil to gas stations. Oil dealers are also accused of gorging.
Observers say the government is not seeking appropriate solutions to its problem but finding scapegoats. Amid this development, another report says the administration is spying on Americans. It is going the way of Obama's administration that led to the fleeing of Edward Snowden from the country after alerting the nation that the government was spying on the people.
The problem with immigration is exacerbated by seeking to impose an open border policy rather than seeking a solution. The administration may think the open border is a solution and not a problem. According to CBS News, Title 42 is about to terminate. Meaning returning illegal immigrants to their country of origin or country of departure will be a thing of the past. Biden is asking Congress to pass immigration reforms, but his open border policy direction is not helping Bipartisan cooperation.
A man alleged on the late news on Tuesday that his daughter has cancer but was denied medical attention due to a problem in the ACA. The news report is confirmed by the Independent Institute. However, people still believe Obama may have told Biden and his handlers behind the curtain not to take American voters for granted. And some others say Obama may have been the architect of the Biden administration liberal policies.
Therefore, people say they are careless of the midterm election fears concerning Clinton's words that the party in power always loses the midterm elections, showing the Democratic Party in crisis management mode.
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