Be Christlike, moderation in everything
April 9 2023 By Abiodun Kareem Giwa

It is rare to resurrect from death. But Christ rose from death and captured death, overcame his foes, and won the hearts of millions across the globe with his care for humanity. If Christ had not cared for the hungry, sick, and dying, his resurrection - a show of power, would have endeared him to few, which explains the futility of modern politics to win hearts.
Care for humanity is uncommon among leaders of Christ's days and equally today. People are losing hope and faith in their leaders worldwide and seeking whoever will come to restore the hope damaged by politics of selfishness and greediness.
People are seeking answers to questions about what it will take for leaders to be humane. But, unfortunately, there was not the type of education and technology of today in Christ times. And that did not limit him. But there was what was more than the education and technology - the Holy Spirit.
Christ had the spirit that descended on him before he began his ministry, which sets him apart from those in the palace, and today's leaders, whose stock in trade is braggadocio and corrupt tendencies. There were no budgets of trillion dollars. Yet, he managed to feed thousands from a crumb of bread.
There is also the followers' problem today compared to Christ's days, as narrated by Craig E. Johnson in "Meeting The Ethical Challenges of Leadership," that casts shadows on modern leadership in contrast to Christ's example.
Today's followers lack belief in God. If they believe at all, it is to enhance finance and material wealth. They care little about the spirit. People of Christ's days thought and felt the urge. They came out with their infirmities, hearing there was one who could heal. They did not demonstrate foolish acts.
Imagine today how people hide under the act of privacy and die in silence. And when they are not dying in silence, they show off with pride and act above the law. People smoke not just a cigarette on the train but hemp, too, careless of the impact of second-hand smoke on others. Because we are liberals, and anything goes.
Elevators in high-rise buildings have turned into closets for hemp smokers under the guise of freedom to smoke anything. Yet, mental health cases are increasing. New York City government worry led to trains announcing that police officers were available in case of bad guys' act. No one can differentiate between bad or good guys. People wonder over all sorts of demonstrations on the train.
Christians are loud, sometimes too loud, not in sermons, but in competition with the world in material acquisition, and not living as Christ's example. Celebrating the resurrection in delicate dresses and dancing to beautiful music in the Church should be replaced with doing everything in moderation. Resurrect in Christ's care! Be temperament and not become like people whose politics is for their stomach and care little about humanity.
And instead, show consideration for your fellow humans, Christians, and non-Christians. And let us begin to hold leaders accountable for their shortcomings in making provisions for comfortable living.
Care for humanity is uncommon among leaders of Christ's days and equally today. People are losing hope and faith in their leaders worldwide and seeking whoever will come to restore the hope damaged by politics of selfishness and greediness.
People are seeking answers to questions about what it will take for leaders to be humane. But, unfortunately, there was not the type of education and technology of today in Christ times. And that did not limit him. But there was what was more than the education and technology - the Holy Spirit.
Christ had the spirit that descended on him before he began his ministry, which sets him apart from those in the palace, and today's leaders, whose stock in trade is braggadocio and corrupt tendencies. There were no budgets of trillion dollars. Yet, he managed to feed thousands from a crumb of bread.
There is also the followers' problem today compared to Christ's days, as narrated by Craig E. Johnson in "Meeting The Ethical Challenges of Leadership," that casts shadows on modern leadership in contrast to Christ's example.
Today's followers lack belief in God. If they believe at all, it is to enhance finance and material wealth. They care little about the spirit. People of Christ's days thought and felt the urge. They came out with their infirmities, hearing there was one who could heal. They did not demonstrate foolish acts.
Imagine today how people hide under the act of privacy and die in silence. And when they are not dying in silence, they show off with pride and act above the law. People smoke not just a cigarette on the train but hemp, too, careless of the impact of second-hand smoke on others. Because we are liberals, and anything goes.
Elevators in high-rise buildings have turned into closets for hemp smokers under the guise of freedom to smoke anything. Yet, mental health cases are increasing. New York City government worry led to trains announcing that police officers were available in case of bad guys' act. No one can differentiate between bad or good guys. People wonder over all sorts of demonstrations on the train.
Christians are loud, sometimes too loud, not in sermons, but in competition with the world in material acquisition, and not living as Christ's example. Celebrating the resurrection in delicate dresses and dancing to beautiful music in the Church should be replaced with doing everything in moderation. Resurrect in Christ's care! Be temperament and not become like people whose politics is for their stomach and care little about humanity.
And instead, show consideration for your fellow humans, Christians, and non-Christians. And let us begin to hold leaders accountable for their shortcomings in making provisions for comfortable living.
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