Biden's discriminatory open-border policy
February 19, 2021 By Abiodun Giwa

President Joseph Biden's immigration policy is not only giving a pathway to undocumented immigrants in the United States, the policy includes an open-border measure that will allow asylum seekers from South America into the U.S. unhindered.
Observers see the development as lacking ingenuity and discriminatory against other people in other parts of the world, and that it is specifically targeted to deprive the poor in other parts of the world, while the rich and their children find their ways into the U.S. through Mexico.
Many naturalized Americans obtained visa to enter the country. Many of them still have their family members waiting on the queue for visas and the waiting has been prolonged by Covid-19 measures that have delayed interviews in American embassies all over the world.
The Biden open-border policy means anyone from South America can claim to be coming for asylum and without questions allowed into the country, unlike people from other parts of the who would have to queue for visas in embassies without assurance of getting the visa. Many Americans are already saying how can some people be given a free path into the country and others made to queue for visas in other parts of the world.
It was reported before the beginning of the wall construction at the U.S. southern border with Mexico a while ago that the Mexico route had for a long time been an entrepot not only for people in South America, but also for the rich and their children from around the world - who had the money to procure visas from their countries to any country in the South America and from there navigate their ways to Mexico, and from Mexico into the U.S.
Many people are not against humane immigration policy but they are seeking a humane immigration policy that shows ingenuity on the part of their leaders without discrimination of any type. They are saying that it is not only self-defeating for a government that prides itself against working to end discrimination at home to float an idea that is not only against social and economic viability for people in the country, but lacks sense in term of reducing the number of illegal immigration to the country, but seems to be planning to swell the number of undocumented, while at the same time working to give a pathway to a large number undocumented immigrants.
Curious observers think that this is not a way to solve multifaceted problems that the country currently faces socially and economically, but a way to compound these problems. Smart people are saying that Biden's open-border policy is a good example of how politicians add to problems than solve problems, and that it seems the only way politicians get work to do. They are saying that when the problems are solved with ingenuity, there would be no more problems for career politicians to present to the populace in search for votes and continuity in office.
Now, people are saying that Biden has invited a mother-of-all-opposition from the opposition party against his immigration policy with his open-border measure, and that casualties of the massive opposition against the entire immigration policy would be the 11 million undocumented that Biden has promised a pathway to citizenship when the bill fails to pass in the senate. People are saying that Biden has not only embraced an open border-policy, and that he also has said that his administration is considering reparation for Africans who are descendants of slaves.
They ask that how can Biden be talking about reparation to Africans and at the same time discriminating against them with his open-border policy? Of course, it is believed that Biden can only be considered a genius concerning immigration and that he is serious about reparation, the opposite that he has demonstrated with an open- border policy to favor others and deprive others, if he allows poor Africans and other poor people around the world to be allowed into America - visa free - like their counterparts from the South America.
Observers see the development as lacking ingenuity and discriminatory against other people in other parts of the world, and that it is specifically targeted to deprive the poor in other parts of the world, while the rich and their children find their ways into the U.S. through Mexico.
Many naturalized Americans obtained visa to enter the country. Many of them still have their family members waiting on the queue for visas and the waiting has been prolonged by Covid-19 measures that have delayed interviews in American embassies all over the world.
The Biden open-border policy means anyone from South America can claim to be coming for asylum and without questions allowed into the country, unlike people from other parts of the who would have to queue for visas in embassies without assurance of getting the visa. Many Americans are already saying how can some people be given a free path into the country and others made to queue for visas in other parts of the world.
It was reported before the beginning of the wall construction at the U.S. southern border with Mexico a while ago that the Mexico route had for a long time been an entrepot not only for people in South America, but also for the rich and their children from around the world - who had the money to procure visas from their countries to any country in the South America and from there navigate their ways to Mexico, and from Mexico into the U.S.
Many people are not against humane immigration policy but they are seeking a humane immigration policy that shows ingenuity on the part of their leaders without discrimination of any type. They are saying that it is not only self-defeating for a government that prides itself against working to end discrimination at home to float an idea that is not only against social and economic viability for people in the country, but lacks sense in term of reducing the number of illegal immigration to the country, but seems to be planning to swell the number of undocumented, while at the same time working to give a pathway to a large number undocumented immigrants.
Curious observers think that this is not a way to solve multifaceted problems that the country currently faces socially and economically, but a way to compound these problems. Smart people are saying that Biden's open-border policy is a good example of how politicians add to problems than solve problems, and that it seems the only way politicians get work to do. They are saying that when the problems are solved with ingenuity, there would be no more problems for career politicians to present to the populace in search for votes and continuity in office.
Now, people are saying that Biden has invited a mother-of-all-opposition from the opposition party against his immigration policy with his open-border measure, and that casualties of the massive opposition against the entire immigration policy would be the 11 million undocumented that Biden has promised a pathway to citizenship when the bill fails to pass in the senate. People are saying that Biden has not only embraced an open border-policy, and that he also has said that his administration is considering reparation for Africans who are descendants of slaves.
They ask that how can Biden be talking about reparation to Africans and at the same time discriminating against them with his open-border policy? Of course, it is believed that Biden can only be considered a genius concerning immigration and that he is serious about reparation, the opposite that he has demonstrated with an open- border policy to favor others and deprive others, if he allows poor Africans and other poor people around the world to be allowed into America - visa free - like their counterparts from the South America.
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