White House Pushes Against Intelligence Failure
By Abiodun Giwa

The White House has pushed against a claim that the death of four Americans in an attack on the country's consulate in Libya may have been caused by intelligence failure. Jay Carney, the White House spokesman said in a statement that the claim by an unnamed British publication that the State Department had knowledge of the attack 48 hours earlier before the attack was false.
Carney's argument at saying the Libya attack was spontaneous and not premeditated may be weak, because there is information that buttresses the attack as premeditated.
Apart from the unnamed British publication, Fox News in New York has published an interview with Rep. Michael Rogers, chairman of the house intelligence committee, in which he said the September 11, 2012, wasn't the first attack on the consulate. According to Rogers, the consulate was first attacked on June 6, 2012, when an improvised explosive device, IED, was thrown at the consulate's perimeter. He mentions other attacks on other venues in Benghazi, showing Libya is insecure as hell for human habitation.
Below is a lists of attacks in Benghazi in the last three months.
1. IED was thrown at the perimeter of the U.S consulate on June 6, 2012.
2. The British Ambassador's motorcade attacked by a rocket propelled grenade on June 11, 2012.
3. Armed gunmen attacked Tunisia Consulate on June 18, 2012, and burnt the country's flag.
4. The building of the International Committee of The Red Cross in Benghazi was struck by RPG on August 5, 2012.
In another report published by the CNN, an unnamed source revealed that the attack on the U.S Consulate happened 18 hours after the head of Al-Queda, Ayman al- Zawahiri called for revenge for the June killing of Abu Yahya ad-libi, a senior member of Al-Queda in Libya.
There was a report that said the British relocated its embassy from Benghazi to Tripoli after the attack on the ambassador's motorcade. The resort to hiding under unavailable actionable intelligence by the White House for failure to beef up security for the consulate in Benghazi, but now deems it necessary to despatch 50 Marines and warships after four deaths and total destruction of the consulate isn't as smart as the British that sees the red flag in Benghazi and pulls its embassy out to a safer ground.
Carney's argument at saying the Libya attack was spontaneous and not premeditated may be weak, because there is information that buttresses the attack as premeditated.
Apart from the unnamed British publication, Fox News in New York has published an interview with Rep. Michael Rogers, chairman of the house intelligence committee, in which he said the September 11, 2012, wasn't the first attack on the consulate. According to Rogers, the consulate was first attacked on June 6, 2012, when an improvised explosive device, IED, was thrown at the consulate's perimeter. He mentions other attacks on other venues in Benghazi, showing Libya is insecure as hell for human habitation.
Below is a lists of attacks in Benghazi in the last three months.
1. IED was thrown at the perimeter of the U.S consulate on June 6, 2012.
2. The British Ambassador's motorcade attacked by a rocket propelled grenade on June 11, 2012.
3. Armed gunmen attacked Tunisia Consulate on June 18, 2012, and burnt the country's flag.
4. The building of the International Committee of The Red Cross in Benghazi was struck by RPG on August 5, 2012.
In another report published by the CNN, an unnamed source revealed that the attack on the U.S Consulate happened 18 hours after the head of Al-Queda, Ayman al- Zawahiri called for revenge for the June killing of Abu Yahya ad-libi, a senior member of Al-Queda in Libya.
There was a report that said the British relocated its embassy from Benghazi to Tripoli after the attack on the ambassador's motorcade. The resort to hiding under unavailable actionable intelligence by the White House for failure to beef up security for the consulate in Benghazi, but now deems it necessary to despatch 50 Marines and warships after four deaths and total destruction of the consulate isn't as smart as the British that sees the red flag in Benghazi and pulls its embassy out to a safer ground.
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