Dysfunction in High Places and Christ's Injunction
12 July 2023 By Abiodun Kareem Giwa

What do you think powerful people talk about when they meet? Is it as the ordinary people do - ask about family, business, health, and well-being? These were the questions two men asked themselves on a New York train ride trying to figure out the discussion between King Charles and President Biden during their meeting in the United Kingdom, their first meeting since King Charles' coronation, which Biden did not attend. Did Biden ask the kingdom's state and King how fair the United States' political wind was?
The two may have discussed the Ukraine war, the United States' decision to send cluster bombs there, and the inflation that is biting harder in the U.S. and the U.K. Questions about families and dysfunction may not have come up because both men have families larger than their nuclear households.
Moreover, every family has a flaw it battles, kept under wraps. Still, the brokenness in powerful families whose heads are in public office is known more than ordinary people because everything about them is general knowledge. For example, the King has Prince Harry causing headaches for the royal family, and Biden has Hunter, whose negative presence in the news has eclipsed the positive life of his father.
No one will raise eyebrows If Harry and Hunter's activities are not the types that give parents sleepless nights. Many ask whether King Charles and President Biden can still sleep from furors generated by their children. Others ask why won't they sleep. Highly placed families are not strangers to flaws. Williams Shakespeare publicized discontent inside the royal home in some of his plays.
Harry has almost surpassed Shakespeare in presentations of behind-the-scenes affairs in the palace in his Spare and interviews denigrating royalty. He abandoned the royal duty in preference for a commoner's life against the wishes of his root. People were skeptical Harry could attend his father's coronation because of the feud. And when he appeared there, he was like a stranger or a fish out of water. He hurried in and out the same day. The wife stayed away, using an innocent child's birthday celebration as an excuse, helping to confirm the commotion in the royal family amid senseless competition typical of the lines in some of Shakespeare's plays. People wonder how the King has managed to stomach Harry and Markle's nonsensical disclosures. It does not mean an excuse for the King's past.
Of course, Biden could not have discussed the deterioration in the royal family with the King. He has one that also drags him like a fiery wind pulling a person in a disapproved direction. And the problem is Hunter, who is making his father's presidency look like it is under a hurricane attack. Though he has not gone out of his way to personally drag the president in the mud compared to Harry, his activities damaged Biden's name and office. Hunter's life crisis upon crisis has placed his father's presidency in clear danger giving the United States House of Representatives investigations into activities allegedly linking Biden, from which he is distancing himself.
Aren't we all products of dysfunction? Isn't the societal dysfunction rubbing on families and managing the development from spilling into public glare? It is only in Toni Morrison's "Bluest Eyes" you read a story about how a family doing things to exacerbate their flaws that society forces on them than curb them but blame them for inequality. People talk about love but demonstrate its opposite. The love of children is uppermost in Christ's consideration when he said, "Let the children come to me and do not forbid them, for there is the king of God." And He admonished his disciples to become like children to gain heaven. Children have no sin and enemies. The reason for Hunter's decision to bar the little soul he gave birth to is unknown.
President Biden's acceptance of the inhuman treatment leading to the denial of his seventh grandchild has added to his baggage of unpopularity arising from unholy secrets.
Hunter is the center of his soul for whom he would do anything to please or appease, unlike King Charles, who has accepted Harry at a distance.
The two may have discussed the Ukraine war, the United States' decision to send cluster bombs there, and the inflation that is biting harder in the U.S. and the U.K. Questions about families and dysfunction may not have come up because both men have families larger than their nuclear households.
Moreover, every family has a flaw it battles, kept under wraps. Still, the brokenness in powerful families whose heads are in public office is known more than ordinary people because everything about them is general knowledge. For example, the King has Prince Harry causing headaches for the royal family, and Biden has Hunter, whose negative presence in the news has eclipsed the positive life of his father.
No one will raise eyebrows If Harry and Hunter's activities are not the types that give parents sleepless nights. Many ask whether King Charles and President Biden can still sleep from furors generated by their children. Others ask why won't they sleep. Highly placed families are not strangers to flaws. Williams Shakespeare publicized discontent inside the royal home in some of his plays.
Harry has almost surpassed Shakespeare in presentations of behind-the-scenes affairs in the palace in his Spare and interviews denigrating royalty. He abandoned the royal duty in preference for a commoner's life against the wishes of his root. People were skeptical Harry could attend his father's coronation because of the feud. And when he appeared there, he was like a stranger or a fish out of water. He hurried in and out the same day. The wife stayed away, using an innocent child's birthday celebration as an excuse, helping to confirm the commotion in the royal family amid senseless competition typical of the lines in some of Shakespeare's plays. People wonder how the King has managed to stomach Harry and Markle's nonsensical disclosures. It does not mean an excuse for the King's past.
Of course, Biden could not have discussed the deterioration in the royal family with the King. He has one that also drags him like a fiery wind pulling a person in a disapproved direction. And the problem is Hunter, who is making his father's presidency look like it is under a hurricane attack. Though he has not gone out of his way to personally drag the president in the mud compared to Harry, his activities damaged Biden's name and office. Hunter's life crisis upon crisis has placed his father's presidency in clear danger giving the United States House of Representatives investigations into activities allegedly linking Biden, from which he is distancing himself.
Aren't we all products of dysfunction? Isn't the societal dysfunction rubbing on families and managing the development from spilling into public glare? It is only in Toni Morrison's "Bluest Eyes" you read a story about how a family doing things to exacerbate their flaws that society forces on them than curb them but blame them for inequality. People talk about love but demonstrate its opposite. The love of children is uppermost in Christ's consideration when he said, "Let the children come to me and do not forbid them, for there is the king of God." And He admonished his disciples to become like children to gain heaven. Children have no sin and enemies. The reason for Hunter's decision to bar the little soul he gave birth to is unknown.
President Biden's acceptance of the inhuman treatment leading to the denial of his seventh grandchild has added to his baggage of unpopularity arising from unholy secrets.
Hunter is the center of his soul for whom he would do anything to please or appease, unlike King Charles, who has accepted Harry at a distance.
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