Dystopian Best: The Days of Fahrenheit 451 Are Here
July 16 2020 By Abiodun Giwa

If you don't want to disappear or be cancelled like Clarisse McClellan in Ray Bradbury's 1953 Fahrenheit 451, then keep your mouth shut; tell no one you have useful ideas or display knowledge about what is happening in your community and why they are happening or have conversations about them.
Clarisse's sins were that she loved to be outdoor to have conversations and told whoever cared that burning was stupid..The same sins Socrates committed for having conversations with young people and for teaching them Philosophy.
Clarisse was hit by a car and killed. Socrates had a hush trial and sentenced to death by drinking the poison. This is not a time to be in the know. It is time for anonymity.
Look at the current chaos around the world with Covid-19. Look at the chaos on in United States' cities. Look at the sudden emergence of the cancel culture. Look at the turn of events that people no longer want to have conversations, and all they want is for them be granted their requests or burn everything down. It is called cancel culture.
How did it begin? President Donald Trump won an election miraculously and the main stream media and their ideological partners in the Democratic Party decided he must be cancelled. Now, they are demanding for the cancellation of July 4th.They are demanding for cancellation of the country's entire history. It is about suppression of everything unpleasant to them from thoughts, words, ideas, criticism etc.
They have succeeded at driving Trump's supporters underground. Look at what happened to the Goya's chief executive few days ago. heard what Bari Weiss said about her experience at the new York Times? Disrupters cannot imagine how anyone on earth voted for, hail or praise Trump! Trump has become their only object of criticism. George Floyd's death in the hands of Minneapolis officers only became a springboard for the realization of their disruptive objective toward cancelling freedom of expression, freedom of association and to get back back the presidential election they lost in 2016.
Burning books as related in Fahrenheit 451 is about the cancellation of ideas, discussion, conversation, freedom of expression, freedom of association and cancelling arguments that are unfavorable. Book as an embodiment of intellectual capacity, growth of all and not of few. No, they nothing that the offers. They think only about themselves.and others can go to hell.
Trump's supporters have become drifters as it does not appear they are taking part in media polls towards the next election, and may be waiting in the wings to use their voters cards, like the drifters did in Fahrenheit 451, by coming back to help repair the city after its destruction by those who turned against new ideas, conversation, freedom of expression and association and only believe in what they say.
Now, they are happy their candidate is leading in the polls, amid fears that the polls may not represent the true position of voters' preference. And they have begun saying through their surrogates that Trump can only win the election by outright cheating. They cannot see that another candidate has emerged as a presidential candidate in the name of Kanye West. They had thought Kanye West is merely a player and that he is not serious about running.
If you live in America, Covid-19 and the new Dystopian are two problems you have to learn to live with. The struggle has already become a matter between the light and darkness. The election of November 3 will decide the direction whether the drifters will help Trump remain in office or whether indeed the days of Fahrenheit 451 are here to stay. May God let the disrupter like Montag in Fahrenheit 451 be born again and to embrace the book, the Bible and and to join those who will build and not destroy.
Clarisse's sins were that she loved to be outdoor to have conversations and told whoever cared that burning was stupid..The same sins Socrates committed for having conversations with young people and for teaching them Philosophy.
Clarisse was hit by a car and killed. Socrates had a hush trial and sentenced to death by drinking the poison. This is not a time to be in the know. It is time for anonymity.
Look at the current chaos around the world with Covid-19. Look at the chaos on in United States' cities. Look at the sudden emergence of the cancel culture. Look at the turn of events that people no longer want to have conversations, and all they want is for them be granted their requests or burn everything down. It is called cancel culture.
How did it begin? President Donald Trump won an election miraculously and the main stream media and their ideological partners in the Democratic Party decided he must be cancelled. Now, they are demanding for the cancellation of July 4th.They are demanding for cancellation of the country's entire history. It is about suppression of everything unpleasant to them from thoughts, words, ideas, criticism etc.
They have succeeded at driving Trump's supporters underground. Look at what happened to the Goya's chief executive few days ago. heard what Bari Weiss said about her experience at the new York Times? Disrupters cannot imagine how anyone on earth voted for, hail or praise Trump! Trump has become their only object of criticism. George Floyd's death in the hands of Minneapolis officers only became a springboard for the realization of their disruptive objective toward cancelling freedom of expression, freedom of association and to get back back the presidential election they lost in 2016.
Burning books as related in Fahrenheit 451 is about the cancellation of ideas, discussion, conversation, freedom of expression, freedom of association and cancelling arguments that are unfavorable. Book as an embodiment of intellectual capacity, growth of all and not of few. No, they nothing that the offers. They think only about themselves.and others can go to hell.
Trump's supporters have become drifters as it does not appear they are taking part in media polls towards the next election, and may be waiting in the wings to use their voters cards, like the drifters did in Fahrenheit 451, by coming back to help repair the city after its destruction by those who turned against new ideas, conversation, freedom of expression and association and only believe in what they say.
Now, they are happy their candidate is leading in the polls, amid fears that the polls may not represent the true position of voters' preference. And they have begun saying through their surrogates that Trump can only win the election by outright cheating. They cannot see that another candidate has emerged as a presidential candidate in the name of Kanye West. They had thought Kanye West is merely a player and that he is not serious about running.
If you live in America, Covid-19 and the new Dystopian are two problems you have to learn to live with. The struggle has already become a matter between the light and darkness. The election of November 3 will decide the direction whether the drifters will help Trump remain in office or whether indeed the days of Fahrenheit 451 are here to stay. May God let the disrupter like Montag in Fahrenheit 451 be born again and to embrace the book, the Bible and and to join those who will build and not destroy.
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