Ending Oppression of the Poor By The Rich
October 16 2017 By Abiodun Giwa

Jonathan Swift in 'A Modest Proposal' satirically suggested the poor in Ireland ease their economic burden, by selling their children as food for the rich. In Africa, the chiefs and kings sold their poor subjects as slaves to rich slave merchants, and the slaves came across the sea with songs, despite the chains.
The world has been marching on and humans have been following it. Nothing is permanent and the motion is endless. New ideas and new innovations spring up everyday and humans strive to catch up, not to be left behind. It is a world with manifest history of wealth and inequality.
There have always been the rich and poor people. The rich are famous and prominent, while the poor are existing for the sake of living. Stories are told and written about how some people have encountered wealth and lived lavishly. Stories are also told about how poverty has truncated the world.
According to the scripture, the world was created beautiful and at every stage the creator was confirmed that everything created was good before proceeding to the next stage. At that time, there was no manifestation of the imperfection in human health that could have called for the necessity of the medical profession and personnel. There was no need for the legal profession to settle disputes between people. The atmosphere was serene and beautiful greenery expanse and water for the ocean habitats and the sky as cover from the other wonderful creative works.
Then, one man became fortunate and called out to embark on a journey to nowhere. Meanwhile, the first two citizens had erred and led to serious consequences with their benefactor. But the man was sent out because he was considered just and was from the same lineage of the man who survived the great flood that killed everything few members and left just him and few members of his household.
There was wealth in Egypt and Israel as well as poverty. There was also power play. Of course, power belonged to the rich and wealthy. Some poor fellows could be lucky to climb the ladder to the wealthy status. It is also clear that very few people have been born into wealth and remain prominent.
Wealthy people are prominent alive. Their prominence seems to go into the oblivion at death. few children of the wealthy maintain the standard. And that also exacerbated the poverty situation leading to the emergence of a savior, whose cause was save the poor, preaching about a new kingdom out of this world, but life was ended by the rich and the wealthy class, because the poor listened and followed him, threatening the power of the rich and the wealthy.
The struggle continued. Some countries became rich and powerful and subjugated poor countries as colonies. The table turned with colonies struggle for freedom. Back to i united nations with wealthy and poor countries sitting side by side. But that has not changed the status of respective countries in the club. And inside the rich and poor countries, the struggle between the rich and the poor has continued. The rich and the wealthy constitute the ruling class, set up a system and use the poor to rubber stamp their decisions in election.
However, the poor has seen the light and wants poverty no more. Whatever will give wealth they pursue. Work? Yes, they work and round the clock too. Education? They are also there trying to catch up with the rich. But getting the power and not helping the rich to rubber stamp the hold on power, remains the mystery that the poor has to unravel.
But some people say the poor in power have also been poor before they become rich and powerful, and that it is in human nature to forget about the struggle and the need to end the oppression of the poor by the rich.
The world has been marching on and humans have been following it. Nothing is permanent and the motion is endless. New ideas and new innovations spring up everyday and humans strive to catch up, not to be left behind. It is a world with manifest history of wealth and inequality.
There have always been the rich and poor people. The rich are famous and prominent, while the poor are existing for the sake of living. Stories are told and written about how some people have encountered wealth and lived lavishly. Stories are also told about how poverty has truncated the world.
According to the scripture, the world was created beautiful and at every stage the creator was confirmed that everything created was good before proceeding to the next stage. At that time, there was no manifestation of the imperfection in human health that could have called for the necessity of the medical profession and personnel. There was no need for the legal profession to settle disputes between people. The atmosphere was serene and beautiful greenery expanse and water for the ocean habitats and the sky as cover from the other wonderful creative works.
Then, one man became fortunate and called out to embark on a journey to nowhere. Meanwhile, the first two citizens had erred and led to serious consequences with their benefactor. But the man was sent out because he was considered just and was from the same lineage of the man who survived the great flood that killed everything few members and left just him and few members of his household.
There was wealth in Egypt and Israel as well as poverty. There was also power play. Of course, power belonged to the rich and wealthy. Some poor fellows could be lucky to climb the ladder to the wealthy status. It is also clear that very few people have been born into wealth and remain prominent.
Wealthy people are prominent alive. Their prominence seems to go into the oblivion at death. few children of the wealthy maintain the standard. And that also exacerbated the poverty situation leading to the emergence of a savior, whose cause was save the poor, preaching about a new kingdom out of this world, but life was ended by the rich and the wealthy class, because the poor listened and followed him, threatening the power of the rich and the wealthy.
The struggle continued. Some countries became rich and powerful and subjugated poor countries as colonies. The table turned with colonies struggle for freedom. Back to i united nations with wealthy and poor countries sitting side by side. But that has not changed the status of respective countries in the club. And inside the rich and poor countries, the struggle between the rich and the poor has continued. The rich and the wealthy constitute the ruling class, set up a system and use the poor to rubber stamp their decisions in election.
However, the poor has seen the light and wants poverty no more. Whatever will give wealth they pursue. Work? Yes, they work and round the clock too. Education? They are also there trying to catch up with the rich. But getting the power and not helping the rich to rubber stamp the hold on power, remains the mystery that the poor has to unravel.
But some people say the poor in power have also been poor before they become rich and powerful, and that it is in human nature to forget about the struggle and the need to end the oppression of the poor by the rich.
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