Europe seeks solution after Paris attack
November 15 2015 By Abiodun Giwa

The CNN reported that the concert center where over 80 people were killed in Paris did not use metal detectors. It is one of the issues in debate aftermath of the killings in Paris on Friday. Aside from the seeming security lax, which may have allowed the terrorists easy access to kill innocent people, migration has come into the center of the debate in the search for solution to terrorism and the type of madness demonstrated in Paris by the ISIS's ideologues..
According to the New York Times, decision makers in some of the European countries are divided over whether or not to pull back on a policy of inclusiveness already near approval, which would allow the current wave of immigrants from war torn countries opportunity to settle down in civilized countries. The proposal also reveals that the tide of migration from certain African countries is to be discouraged, first by encouraging countries that are sources of migration in Africa to create opportunities for young people in their own country; secondly the program will also create scholarships and train stranded migrants in the sahel how to use sand and plastic to make blocks.
The discussions for solution after the attack on Paris depicts a world in crisis. The decision for the policy of inclusiveness for the wave of immigrants from war torn countries was taken prior to the attack on Paris, while the attack on Paris seemed to be about to upstage that decision. Some leaders in countries are reconsidering whether or not to open their borders for the wave of immigrants. Some of the countries have actually ordered the closure of their borders. Basically, lack of opportunities for young people in their countries of origin is responsible for mass of immigrants from Africa into Europe, aside from the current wave of immigrants from war torn countries.
The latest Paris killings has let out reports on an earlier efforts by the European Union to address immigration from Africa due to persistent deaths in sea, while the fear that current wave of immigrants from war torn countries could pave way for dangerous elements find their way into the civilized world. Of course, the world knows that African leaders are guilty of dereliction of duty for not providing for their young people, and why observers are wondering why some of the African leaders are expressing lack of cooperation to take back their citizens who have illegally entered other countries.
"We have people who have often taken chances with their lives in terrible conditions, who have crossed deserts and the Mediterranean, and there had been thousands of deaths We have to have a frank discussion," President Macky Sall of Senegal said in the New York Times report, with a focus to allowing Africans to stay in Europe. But the case in context isn't that all Africans are being asked to leave Europe, but it is in regard of Africans who may have entered Europe illegally. The question this raises is whether allowing African illegal immigrants in Europe will be a deterrent to others who are planning to enter Europe illegally or will encourage them, despite the dangers involved traveling the desert and the sea? Does unwillingness by some African leaders to take back African illegal immigrants in Europe not saying that there is no provision for them back home?
Many of these African leaders went to school in the civilized world before they became leaders in their countries. They do not deemed it necessary to introduce some of the programs from which they have benefited in the civilized world in their countries. Rather, they only embark on lining their bank accounts the moment they assume power, while developing their countries is a secondary or no issue at all. And of what benefit is it for anyone to remain in any country, whether civilized or not civilized, when there is no means to develop oneself and compete with others? In such a situation, death will be a better option. But instead of dying, some countries are still amenable to human existence without access to human and mental development, while some have become graves to humans. Some of African countries like Nigeria, Mali, Sudan and Eriteria, which are the sources of majority of illegal immigrants in Europe belong to the latter.
Many observers feel that Europe should press ahead with the program to return illegal immigrants, but not only to Africa and at the same time compel leaders countries with illegal immigrants to begin to create infrastructures; widen education and employment opportunities. It is the basic reason for the existence of government and not the other way of turning the people's patrimony into their personal wealth.
According to the New York Times, decision makers in some of the European countries are divided over whether or not to pull back on a policy of inclusiveness already near approval, which would allow the current wave of immigrants from war torn countries opportunity to settle down in civilized countries. The proposal also reveals that the tide of migration from certain African countries is to be discouraged, first by encouraging countries that are sources of migration in Africa to create opportunities for young people in their own country; secondly the program will also create scholarships and train stranded migrants in the sahel how to use sand and plastic to make blocks.
The discussions for solution after the attack on Paris depicts a world in crisis. The decision for the policy of inclusiveness for the wave of immigrants from war torn countries was taken prior to the attack on Paris, while the attack on Paris seemed to be about to upstage that decision. Some leaders in countries are reconsidering whether or not to open their borders for the wave of immigrants. Some of the countries have actually ordered the closure of their borders. Basically, lack of opportunities for young people in their countries of origin is responsible for mass of immigrants from Africa into Europe, aside from the current wave of immigrants from war torn countries.
The latest Paris killings has let out reports on an earlier efforts by the European Union to address immigration from Africa due to persistent deaths in sea, while the fear that current wave of immigrants from war torn countries could pave way for dangerous elements find their way into the civilized world. Of course, the world knows that African leaders are guilty of dereliction of duty for not providing for their young people, and why observers are wondering why some of the African leaders are expressing lack of cooperation to take back their citizens who have illegally entered other countries.
"We have people who have often taken chances with their lives in terrible conditions, who have crossed deserts and the Mediterranean, and there had been thousands of deaths We have to have a frank discussion," President Macky Sall of Senegal said in the New York Times report, with a focus to allowing Africans to stay in Europe. But the case in context isn't that all Africans are being asked to leave Europe, but it is in regard of Africans who may have entered Europe illegally. The question this raises is whether allowing African illegal immigrants in Europe will be a deterrent to others who are planning to enter Europe illegally or will encourage them, despite the dangers involved traveling the desert and the sea? Does unwillingness by some African leaders to take back African illegal immigrants in Europe not saying that there is no provision for them back home?
Many of these African leaders went to school in the civilized world before they became leaders in their countries. They do not deemed it necessary to introduce some of the programs from which they have benefited in the civilized world in their countries. Rather, they only embark on lining their bank accounts the moment they assume power, while developing their countries is a secondary or no issue at all. And of what benefit is it for anyone to remain in any country, whether civilized or not civilized, when there is no means to develop oneself and compete with others? In such a situation, death will be a better option. But instead of dying, some countries are still amenable to human existence without access to human and mental development, while some have become graves to humans. Some of African countries like Nigeria, Mali, Sudan and Eriteria, which are the sources of majority of illegal immigrants in Europe belong to the latter.
Many observers feel that Europe should press ahead with the program to return illegal immigrants, but not only to Africa and at the same time compel leaders countries with illegal immigrants to begin to create infrastructures; widen education and employment opportunities. It is the basic reason for the existence of government and not the other way of turning the people's patrimony into their personal wealth.