Immigration Palaver amid deportation frenzy
July 14 2019 By Abiodun Karim Giwa

Every country wants to know the number of people it is making provisions for - to ensure adequate budgeting. Population census becomes very important instrument toward achieving this objective, and to avoid over population.
China is the most popular control on earth in term of the most drastic birth control toward population control. Every country has immigration control toward checking admission of too many immigrants capable of blowing population umber beyond manageable proportion.
The western countries have stringent immigration control., because of the heavy flow of immigrants from poor Asian and and African countries, while America is exceptionally notable for immigration flow from all over the world, but more form the Spanish American nations due to poverty arising from poor management by the affected countries. Hondura is broke. Venezuela is broke. Guetamala is also broke. People from Hondira are saying everyone is fleeing Hondura for economic reason. Mexico that is not broke economically has so much insecurity within that no one can claim to safe. Curious observers say opening the door for all people from these countries to enter the U.S. could amount to carelessness on the side of policy makers, and the reason to effectively control migrants flow at the border with Mexico.
. The immigration flow analysis is important today after the unholy Sunday that some unfortunate immigrants in the U..S. faced the fear of deportation. The frenzy about the deportation of certain illegal immigrants was in the news for over two weeks. The exercise was postponed before it''s eventual implementation amid fears that all immigrants are in trouble and immigrants advocates had field day telling immigrants to call hotlines to be safe from invading ICE officers..
If you had followed the frenzy about the deportation operations expected to be carried out by the Immigration and Custom Enforcement, ICE, you would think the ICE officers would be all over town looking for illegal immigrants to deport. You would think the ICE officers would be looking for houses and knocking on doors in search of illegal immigrants or combing every corner for undocumented immigrants.. Apparently, the deportation operation news was blown out of proportion. The White House said the ICE will begin an operation without emphasizing that the operation was expected to be targeted toward about 2000 immigrants that the courts had ordered deported in 10 major cities around the country. It was also possible that the White House emphasized it was about 2000 immigrants the courts had handed deportation orders, but the opposition and civil rights activities blew the development into a frenzy being their way of getting attention and the immigrants votes in elections.
To be an illegal immigrant is the most unfortunate thing that can happen to anyone. it means that one is illegally in the country and that one is a law-breaker, because illegal immigration is against the law. It is why it is necessary that anyone leaving his or her country obtains necessary documents from the embassy of the host country to be able to stay in the country to do business or to live and work without the awful labeling. For the illegal immigrant there is always a thought about the immigration coming for you. No one likes that type of existence. therefore, there is always effort by immigrants to get their papers together - whichever they can - either through marriage or by any means they can spending money.
It is not easy to obtain these documents. The situation often force some people to go through the process ending up facing the immigration court and likely for lack of money to cut corners to get papers or carelessness on their part. It is evil not to get the papers and be labeled as illegal or undocumented immigrant.. Some people don't care, believing wrongly that illegality is legality in immigration and choose to live with fears of deportation, and believing some politicians are fighting for their cause. How some politicians fight to protect people that the courts have asked to leave and seemingly saying they are against the advancement of the rule of law is beyond human understanding. People are saying that there is nothing wrong to fight to protect the interests of immigrants, but that immigrants must be seen to be living with respect to the rule of law.
America is the most liberal country on earth; the most diverse and the only one country regarded as the nation of immigrants. No immigration officer has been seen stopping anyone at the or the street or subway to ask for papers. No immigration has been reported knocking on any door to ascertain whether immigrants are here legally or illegally. When immigrants documents are in processing with the immigration, they have the right to approach the Congressman in their area of residence to find out what is delaying the processing or help to ameliorate delay in processing. Why then should there be immigrants running foul of the law and remaining undocumented until the immigration judge will order removal? Why did those 2000 waited for the court to order them removed? Why didn't they do what others like them are doing to evade deportation - do what it requires to get the papers! It is what smart immigrants do - first thing on arrival.
A war announced before hand does not affect or kill the lame. Just like other persons, the lame will scurry to safety to a hideout to avoid death. It is expected that many of the immigrants targeted by the ICE would have scuttled to safety somewhere based on the announcement made by the government, opening the door of opportunity for those affected to be here for a while until ICE officers are able to get them. Because as immigrants, we know that the immigration department knows where we are at all times and that sooner or later, the immigration will get whoever is on the list for deportation.
But it is better never to be on the list. And hoping that the government and the opposition will safe the public from the headache arising from the frenzy next time around. Let the immigration do its work without unnecessary frenzy. let the immigrants be smart and get the papers without much ado. let there be respect for court pronouncements as expected in any country under the rule of law.
China is the most popular control on earth in term of the most drastic birth control toward population control. Every country has immigration control toward checking admission of too many immigrants capable of blowing population umber beyond manageable proportion.
The western countries have stringent immigration control., because of the heavy flow of immigrants from poor Asian and and African countries, while America is exceptionally notable for immigration flow from all over the world, but more form the Spanish American nations due to poverty arising from poor management by the affected countries. Hondura is broke. Venezuela is broke. Guetamala is also broke. People from Hondira are saying everyone is fleeing Hondura for economic reason. Mexico that is not broke economically has so much insecurity within that no one can claim to safe. Curious observers say opening the door for all people from these countries to enter the U.S. could amount to carelessness on the side of policy makers, and the reason to effectively control migrants flow at the border with Mexico.
. The immigration flow analysis is important today after the unholy Sunday that some unfortunate immigrants in the U..S. faced the fear of deportation. The frenzy about the deportation of certain illegal immigrants was in the news for over two weeks. The exercise was postponed before it''s eventual implementation amid fears that all immigrants are in trouble and immigrants advocates had field day telling immigrants to call hotlines to be safe from invading ICE officers..
If you had followed the frenzy about the deportation operations expected to be carried out by the Immigration and Custom Enforcement, ICE, you would think the ICE officers would be all over town looking for illegal immigrants to deport. You would think the ICE officers would be looking for houses and knocking on doors in search of illegal immigrants or combing every corner for undocumented immigrants.. Apparently, the deportation operation news was blown out of proportion. The White House said the ICE will begin an operation without emphasizing that the operation was expected to be targeted toward about 2000 immigrants that the courts had ordered deported in 10 major cities around the country. It was also possible that the White House emphasized it was about 2000 immigrants the courts had handed deportation orders, but the opposition and civil rights activities blew the development into a frenzy being their way of getting attention and the immigrants votes in elections.
To be an illegal immigrant is the most unfortunate thing that can happen to anyone. it means that one is illegally in the country and that one is a law-breaker, because illegal immigration is against the law. It is why it is necessary that anyone leaving his or her country obtains necessary documents from the embassy of the host country to be able to stay in the country to do business or to live and work without the awful labeling. For the illegal immigrant there is always a thought about the immigration coming for you. No one likes that type of existence. therefore, there is always effort by immigrants to get their papers together - whichever they can - either through marriage or by any means they can spending money.
It is not easy to obtain these documents. The situation often force some people to go through the process ending up facing the immigration court and likely for lack of money to cut corners to get papers or carelessness on their part. It is evil not to get the papers and be labeled as illegal or undocumented immigrant.. Some people don't care, believing wrongly that illegality is legality in immigration and choose to live with fears of deportation, and believing some politicians are fighting for their cause. How some politicians fight to protect people that the courts have asked to leave and seemingly saying they are against the advancement of the rule of law is beyond human understanding. People are saying that there is nothing wrong to fight to protect the interests of immigrants, but that immigrants must be seen to be living with respect to the rule of law.
America is the most liberal country on earth; the most diverse and the only one country regarded as the nation of immigrants. No immigration officer has been seen stopping anyone at the or the street or subway to ask for papers. No immigration has been reported knocking on any door to ascertain whether immigrants are here legally or illegally. When immigrants documents are in processing with the immigration, they have the right to approach the Congressman in their area of residence to find out what is delaying the processing or help to ameliorate delay in processing. Why then should there be immigrants running foul of the law and remaining undocumented until the immigration judge will order removal? Why did those 2000 waited for the court to order them removed? Why didn't they do what others like them are doing to evade deportation - do what it requires to get the papers! It is what smart immigrants do - first thing on arrival.
A war announced before hand does not affect or kill the lame. Just like other persons, the lame will scurry to safety to a hideout to avoid death. It is expected that many of the immigrants targeted by the ICE would have scuttled to safety somewhere based on the announcement made by the government, opening the door of opportunity for those affected to be here for a while until ICE officers are able to get them. Because as immigrants, we know that the immigration department knows where we are at all times and that sooner or later, the immigration will get whoever is on the list for deportation.
But it is better never to be on the list. And hoping that the government and the opposition will safe the public from the headache arising from the frenzy next time around. Let the immigration do its work without unnecessary frenzy. let the immigrants be smart and get the papers without much ado. let there be respect for court pronouncements as expected in any country under the rule of law.
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