Jesus Christ: When The World Hates You
July 20 2017 By Abiodun Giwa

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first" - John 15:18. The scripture teaches Christian religion adherents.
It is from the lesson that the difference between the world and followers of Jesus Christ first emanated as mentioned by Christ in his statement.
People in the world were those who disbelief Christ teachings, and people outside the world were those who believed Christ's teachings.
The scripture said further that "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own, but because ye are not the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you, if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you."
The difference between Christ and his persecutors was that Christ came telling them the truth and said that "Ye will hear the truth and the truth will make you free.' But the world hated the truth as said by Christ. Leaders of the world's opposition to Christ's new teachings were the Sadducees and the Pharisees.
Today, America is the mode of a change, the type of change, which Christ sought that brought the highly educated and the celebrities against him. First, Christ said he was the son of God. The Pharisees and the Sadducees said that it was heresy! How could a known child of a carpenter came and said that he had displaced the powerful, including the Roman emperor, and that he was the new king and a son of God?
Angela Rye, the CNN anchor, who reportedly said that President Donald Trump is not her president, reported by The Hill, among other developments in the American political scene since the last election, prompted the reminder of Christ's teachings, rejection and eventual execution by the world.
Aside from Rye's show on the screen, there have been various people who disagree with Trump for one reason or another and have called for his assassination. The reason for their senseless statements is clear: Trump became president against their will and he has moved to fulfill his electioneering campaign promises.
These campaign promises as being fulfilled by trump is new to them, against their normal ways of life. And they said it that these changes are alien to their ways of life. They want the ways of the world around them to remain as they have known them. They have gone to court concerning one major change that Trump sought to make about keeping the country safe by watching people coming to the country from certain parts of the world, and some of their liberal judges have been on their side. But the Supreme court had shown theses judges how to read and apply the law without biases.
They accuse Trump of hate, but they themselves have worn the worst toga of hate. Forgetting that there was a case in history, which shows what they are doing is not new, and that there was a man who was persecuted for his rise, for preaching new ways to the world and for helping the needy.
The American liberal celebrities goal to stop Trump is clear. He has risen, but must be stopped from executing his programs, because execution of his programs, Trump would win the people to his side. Remember as the scripture said that when the Pharisees and the Sadducees saw Christ moved ahead by helping the needy, healing the sick and bringing the dead to life, they saw they had lost the battle and thought taking his life would be the final onslaught. But Christ lives forever, same today, yesterday.
Trump won the elections, based on the letters of the United States' Constitution. Whoever disagrees with his elections should have challenged it in a court of law. Hating him and stopping him from fulfilling his election promises or saying he is not your president, are themselves illegal.
If you don't respect Trump as your president, no matter his shortcomings, why not respect his age. Is he not old enough to be your father, and does the Bible not teach respect for elders?
It is from the lesson that the difference between the world and followers of Jesus Christ first emanated as mentioned by Christ in his statement.
People in the world were those who disbelief Christ teachings, and people outside the world were those who believed Christ's teachings.
The scripture said further that "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own, but because ye are not the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you, if they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you."
The difference between Christ and his persecutors was that Christ came telling them the truth and said that "Ye will hear the truth and the truth will make you free.' But the world hated the truth as said by Christ. Leaders of the world's opposition to Christ's new teachings were the Sadducees and the Pharisees.
Today, America is the mode of a change, the type of change, which Christ sought that brought the highly educated and the celebrities against him. First, Christ said he was the son of God. The Pharisees and the Sadducees said that it was heresy! How could a known child of a carpenter came and said that he had displaced the powerful, including the Roman emperor, and that he was the new king and a son of God?
Angela Rye, the CNN anchor, who reportedly said that President Donald Trump is not her president, reported by The Hill, among other developments in the American political scene since the last election, prompted the reminder of Christ's teachings, rejection and eventual execution by the world.
Aside from Rye's show on the screen, there have been various people who disagree with Trump for one reason or another and have called for his assassination. The reason for their senseless statements is clear: Trump became president against their will and he has moved to fulfill his electioneering campaign promises.
These campaign promises as being fulfilled by trump is new to them, against their normal ways of life. And they said it that these changes are alien to their ways of life. They want the ways of the world around them to remain as they have known them. They have gone to court concerning one major change that Trump sought to make about keeping the country safe by watching people coming to the country from certain parts of the world, and some of their liberal judges have been on their side. But the Supreme court had shown theses judges how to read and apply the law without biases.
They accuse Trump of hate, but they themselves have worn the worst toga of hate. Forgetting that there was a case in history, which shows what they are doing is not new, and that there was a man who was persecuted for his rise, for preaching new ways to the world and for helping the needy.
The American liberal celebrities goal to stop Trump is clear. He has risen, but must be stopped from executing his programs, because execution of his programs, Trump would win the people to his side. Remember as the scripture said that when the Pharisees and the Sadducees saw Christ moved ahead by helping the needy, healing the sick and bringing the dead to life, they saw they had lost the battle and thought taking his life would be the final onslaught. But Christ lives forever, same today, yesterday.
Trump won the elections, based on the letters of the United States' Constitution. Whoever disagrees with his elections should have challenged it in a court of law. Hating him and stopping him from fulfilling his election promises or saying he is not your president, are themselves illegal.
If you don't respect Trump as your president, no matter his shortcomings, why not respect his age. Is he not old enough to be your father, and does the Bible not teach respect for elders?
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