Kenya: Killing innocent students for uncommitted offense
April 3 2015. By Abi Giwa

There is nothing unfair as holding anyone responsible for an offense he or she is ignorant and has not committed. No known legal stipulation or religion approves it. The Christian scripture is very clear about that you no longer hold the child responsible for a father's crime. Although, there were days before the modern days when children were held responsible for their parents' sins. Unfortunate modern feuds have taken the world back 360 degrees to the days of yore and innocent people are being killed by terrorists for a crime they knew nothing about.
On Thursday, the world was aghast with news of Al-Shabab terrorists onslaught in a University in Kenya. By afternoon watch, additional information by the BBC the Kenyan university's toll as 147. These are students who have committed no crime, other than being students and Christians. Their offense is that they are Kenyans and not that they have personally offended the terrorists to become targets of attack.
The parents of the minors among the victims and the fault students have not sent their children to school to be killed. Nor are adult students have any other business in school - just like the minors - other than to acquire knowledge. And unaware of some bastards' evil intentions, they were all about their studies when the sound of guns rang out. One student's account captured the heck that was students's experience to unannounced war in their campus. He told the media that he was in the hostel when he heard the sound of guns and quickly traded with his feet.
According to media account, the student said he sustained a cut while running from death that was pursuing him. When he looked back, he saw six masked men, fully armed and shooting in all directions. Kenya's episode is a quick reminder of similar events around the world.
Just few weeks ago, Tunisia had its own Baptism of fire with an attack on unwary Museum guests. The Tunisia's experience came a short after the Charlie Hebdo's killings in Paris. Innocent Nigerian children have been killed by Boko-Haram for no sins they committed. It happened to over 3000 people in a sweep at the World Trade Center in the United States and it had continued happening all over the world and only God knows where it will happen next.
Kenyans may have thought that after the killings in the mall that caught the world's attention that Al-Shabad had had its fill. Waking up on Thursday morning and hearing that innocent students have become victims of terror was a quick reminder of the mall's massacre. And no one thought it was another massacre until the late news in the afternoon.
President Uhuru Kenyatta said his country will hire additional 10,000 police to fortify the country against crime. Meanwhile, Kenya is mourning the mass killings of her children. There is a long line at the mortuary by relatives who have come forward to identify victims of the senseless killings.
On Thursday, the world was aghast with news of Al-Shabab terrorists onslaught in a University in Kenya. By afternoon watch, additional information by the BBC the Kenyan university's toll as 147. These are students who have committed no crime, other than being students and Christians. Their offense is that they are Kenyans and not that they have personally offended the terrorists to become targets of attack.
The parents of the minors among the victims and the fault students have not sent their children to school to be killed. Nor are adult students have any other business in school - just like the minors - other than to acquire knowledge. And unaware of some bastards' evil intentions, they were all about their studies when the sound of guns rang out. One student's account captured the heck that was students's experience to unannounced war in their campus. He told the media that he was in the hostel when he heard the sound of guns and quickly traded with his feet.
According to media account, the student said he sustained a cut while running from death that was pursuing him. When he looked back, he saw six masked men, fully armed and shooting in all directions. Kenya's episode is a quick reminder of similar events around the world.
Just few weeks ago, Tunisia had its own Baptism of fire with an attack on unwary Museum guests. The Tunisia's experience came a short after the Charlie Hebdo's killings in Paris. Innocent Nigerian children have been killed by Boko-Haram for no sins they committed. It happened to over 3000 people in a sweep at the World Trade Center in the United States and it had continued happening all over the world and only God knows where it will happen next.
Kenyans may have thought that after the killings in the mall that caught the world's attention that Al-Shabad had had its fill. Waking up on Thursday morning and hearing that innocent students have become victims of terror was a quick reminder of the mall's massacre. And no one thought it was another massacre until the late news in the afternoon.
President Uhuru Kenyatta said his country will hire additional 10,000 police to fortify the country against crime. Meanwhile, Kenya is mourning the mass killings of her children. There is a long line at the mortuary by relatives who have come forward to identify victims of the senseless killings.