Tips to Safe Your Marriage Eliminating Nagging
Published: 24 June 2013 By Busola Adesoye (Culled from the Facebook)

Solomon warned us in the scriptures about the destructive tendencies of nagging.
He said a spouse that is being constantly nagged will prefer to stay away from his
What that means is that unrepentant nagging can actually drive couples apart. One
assumption we have always is that nagging is feminine. Well, the truth is that
men and women nag.
Another assumption is that the fault is always that of the ‘nagger’, but it is not
always that way. It is a shared responsibility.
When you nag, you make repetitive demands or statements, you have a policing attitude
on your spouse, you want your instruction carried out immediately and so on. This irritating and annoying habit is a
cog in the wheel of marriage.
If you find yourself in this pattern and you feel you nag, here are a few strategies and steps that might help.
1. Recognize that you are exhibiting an unhealthy attitude, at least in marriage. Without admittance, there
would be no changes.
2. Admit that you have been insensitive or arrogant to your spouse.
3. Sincerely ask God to help you stop the bad habit.
4. Seek relevant scriptures that address the situation and meditate on them. When you meditate on those
scriptures, you initiate the process of renewal of mind which eventually leads to transformation.
5. Value your spouse’s opinions and don’t expect your spouse to do everything you say immediately all
the time.
6. Stop repeating yourself. Your spouse heard you the first time. Rather than nag, talk to God and ask him
to help you.
He said a spouse that is being constantly nagged will prefer to stay away from his
What that means is that unrepentant nagging can actually drive couples apart. One
assumption we have always is that nagging is feminine. Well, the truth is that
men and women nag.
Another assumption is that the fault is always that of the ‘nagger’, but it is not
always that way. It is a shared responsibility.
When you nag, you make repetitive demands or statements, you have a policing attitude
on your spouse, you want your instruction carried out immediately and so on. This irritating and annoying habit is a
cog in the wheel of marriage.
If you find yourself in this pattern and you feel you nag, here are a few strategies and steps that might help.
1. Recognize that you are exhibiting an unhealthy attitude, at least in marriage. Without admittance, there
would be no changes.
2. Admit that you have been insensitive or arrogant to your spouse.
3. Sincerely ask God to help you stop the bad habit.
4. Seek relevant scriptures that address the situation and meditate on them. When you meditate on those
scriptures, you initiate the process of renewal of mind which eventually leads to transformation.
5. Value your spouse’s opinions and don’t expect your spouse to do everything you say immediately all
the time.
6. Stop repeating yourself. Your spouse heard you the first time. Rather than nag, talk to God and ask him
to help you.