Research Methodology and Politics
July 31 2019 By Abiodun Karim Giwa

I wrote in my piece, "Capitalism and Socialism at war in America?" that politicians with intention to winning an election could use the Research Methodology to know about voters' needs and preferences, than relying on blowing hot and cold.
In that piece, I did not specify what Research Methodology requires for it to be able to achieve its and for it to help those who need it to achieve their objective. And that I want to do that here, because it will be wasteful employing the research methodology and not follow through with its modalities for it to achieve its objectives.
The most important of the modalities a research methodology is that the sponsors of a research must accept the research results and recommendations. If they fail to do that, they would have wasted their money spent for the research. Just as I was thinking about this, it damned on me whether the Democratic Party law makers in Washington who had refused to accept the report of Bob Mueller's investigation would accept the result of any research.
The Mueller investigation report is even legally more biding than ordinary research report,, which means Mueller's report should have been more acceptable to law makers than ordinary research toward gathering information to enhance positive positions toward knowing what to do to gain voters' approval.
The endless drama that the Democrats have created over the Mueller's report and their distrust of its major lines like the president and his campaign did not commit any collusion crime based on available information should not have arisen in a civilized community. It begs for a question whether the Democrats would have accepted Mueller's report without questions, if the report has said the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russians? If the Democrats will, why are they refusing to accept the opposite?
Partisanship? If partisanship has eroded the Democrats'ability to be above board, how are we sure the same has not affected their policy decisions in states controlled by governors elected on the party's platform, that the same way they treat Mueller's report with disdain, though they praise Mueller to high heavens, seemingly unaware that their acts against Trump also represents a slap on Mueller's face, and questions whether they actually have respect for empirically observable phenomena, upon which performance evaluation of policies are based in modern day.
One can be hundred percent sure that if the Democrats allows for a research on whether Americans accept Capitalism or Socialism, they would find out that American will accept Capitalism and will be manifest they will not want anything to do with Socialism. One then wonder like many curious observers are doing how Alexander Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders come about her drive to impose Socialism on Americans against what a research methodology would recommend for Americans - based on empirically observable phenomena.
It is doubtful that Sanders and Cortez's Socialism drive is based on the result of a sound research, but their own whims. America is not just a Capitalist country but a core Capitalist country How all those presidential candidates have fallen for this whim without questioning the rationale behind the drastic call for a change that reminds one how women in a Dystopian story left a society controlled by men but later discovered their mistake that it was not possible for them to survive alone without men.
In that piece, I did not specify what Research Methodology requires for it to be able to achieve its and for it to help those who need it to achieve their objective. And that I want to do that here, because it will be wasteful employing the research methodology and not follow through with its modalities for it to achieve its objectives.
The most important of the modalities a research methodology is that the sponsors of a research must accept the research results and recommendations. If they fail to do that, they would have wasted their money spent for the research. Just as I was thinking about this, it damned on me whether the Democratic Party law makers in Washington who had refused to accept the report of Bob Mueller's investigation would accept the result of any research.
The Mueller investigation report is even legally more biding than ordinary research report,, which means Mueller's report should have been more acceptable to law makers than ordinary research toward gathering information to enhance positive positions toward knowing what to do to gain voters' approval.
The endless drama that the Democrats have created over the Mueller's report and their distrust of its major lines like the president and his campaign did not commit any collusion crime based on available information should not have arisen in a civilized community. It begs for a question whether the Democrats would have accepted Mueller's report without questions, if the report has said the Trump Campaign colluded with the Russians? If the Democrats will, why are they refusing to accept the opposite?
Partisanship? If partisanship has eroded the Democrats'ability to be above board, how are we sure the same has not affected their policy decisions in states controlled by governors elected on the party's platform, that the same way they treat Mueller's report with disdain, though they praise Mueller to high heavens, seemingly unaware that their acts against Trump also represents a slap on Mueller's face, and questions whether they actually have respect for empirically observable phenomena, upon which performance evaluation of policies are based in modern day.
One can be hundred percent sure that if the Democrats allows for a research on whether Americans accept Capitalism or Socialism, they would find out that American will accept Capitalism and will be manifest they will not want anything to do with Socialism. One then wonder like many curious observers are doing how Alexander Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders come about her drive to impose Socialism on Americans against what a research methodology would recommend for Americans - based on empirically observable phenomena.
It is doubtful that Sanders and Cortez's Socialism drive is based on the result of a sound research, but their own whims. America is not just a Capitalist country but a core Capitalist country How all those presidential candidates have fallen for this whim without questioning the rationale behind the drastic call for a change that reminds one how women in a Dystopian story left a society controlled by men but later discovered their mistake that it was not possible for them to survive alone without men.