Syria's mangled and bruised body
October 4 2015 By Abi Giwa
If Syria were to be a human person, what would it be likened with the condition that it is currently going through? A mangled body or bruised body like that of Jesus Christ before crucifixion?
Iraq went through the same experience, crucified and still waiting to resurrect and the same was applicable to Libya.
If these countries aren't humans and they cannot have bruising their bodies, the humans who are citizens of the country, the ordinary people, who are caught in the cross fire, and not those struggling for power and are the cause of the bruising, will feel the pain, like ordinary poor Syrians are doing today.
Hugo Chavez was missing in action at the last United Nations, UN, Assembly in New York, which just ended sitting. So also was Muamar Gaddaffi. The former Venezuela's leader ranted his view about the United States, but he did not hide his regards for President Barack Obama as a saint.
Chavez was unlucky to have been snapped away in the middle of the journey and uncertain about what would have become of him as a dictator, who have opposition that had wanted him out like the opposition in Syria wanted Bashir Assad out.
Gadaffi's Libya is still struggling. The world missed Gaddaffi, missed his female security guards and missed his famed tent. The world knew that Gadaffi did not own up to some of the sins,which his adversaries said he committed, but he was unlike Cain who after he killed Abel, the Lord said no one should take vengeance against him, but made him to go about with the signs of a murderer and a vagabond, which the Lord had put upon him.
Gaddafi's enemies went after him like they did to Saddam Hussein. And the same way they have been after Assad. The world saw Gadaffi, once the leader of his people, scurried under the culvert on a street, after running away from the comfort of his car, seeking a cover from his enemies' fire power. When he felt that the underneath of the culvert was no longer safe and that the culvert did not give him enough cover, he ran out like a tired rat seeking for safety after which the fire from a gun by his own country man caught him down.
Since Gadaffi's passage, the trouble in Libya had not seized, just like Iraq. Syria is the third in line of the three countries, whose leaders' failure to provide for their own people and allowed them freedom, which decent humans are entitled have led to unavoidable loss and loss and loss of human lives.
Shavez died with his opinion about America unchanged. Though Shavez's opinion did not really make America what he said he believed. Just like many other people, Shavez may have regarded President Obama highly for his anti-war stance, and Obama's promise to Americans and the world to steer America away from wars. It was why most Americans voted for Obama.
Though Obama does not like taking America into war single-handedly without the commitment of the allies, yet he too and his allies have their hands bloodied in efforts to change the leadership in countries they perceived as better under a certain form of control and giving help to the people under the tyranny of their leaders.
And there has always been Vladimir Putin of Russia in the opposite direction to America and her allies. If America and her allies go West, Putin will take his country towards the East. The world saw it happened in Libya and Iraq. Though, Putin's power did not stop the allies, but Putin's signature of argument about the allies leaving chaos behind their engagement sticks.
The world has witnessed same happening in Iraq and Syria, another country where such engagement has lead to chaos, and the real children of satan -the Islamic state - have taken advantage of the chaos to cause more bloodied chaos. This underscored the recent arguments between Obama and Putin at the United Nations' meeting in New York.
Putin's Russia and Obama's America have followed their arguments with bombings in Syria, each claiming it is the Islamic State locations they have bombed. America's Secretary of State, John Kerry said that Russia's bombing is welcomed if the bombing truly targeted the Islamic State and not that he had systematically taken out Assad's enemies.
There are the Assad's enemies; there are Islamic State components and there are the Western allies and there is Russia, on the ground doing battle in Syria. All of these have made Syria a battleground over Assad's leadership, whom some are against and others in support of him. Yet, Assad is still in power, surrounded by artilleries and bombings and uncertainty, despite the mass opposition at home and from abroad. Many innocent Syrians who know nothing about the stupid politics and the power struggle between Assad and his adversaries have lost their lives and continued losing their lives, and those alive don't know whether or not the bomb will get them before the next minute. Living in Syria has become equivalent to living with death.
America and allies are hellbent on removing Assad, and Putin is hellbent on seeing that Assad is not humiliated out of office. Now, the real problem in Syria is that it is not clear who has to be removed first: Assad or the Islamic State? The allies' pursuit in Syria has transcended Assad and it now includes how to remove the ISIS. America and allies want Assad out and at same item want ISIS too out. It has become a case of pursuing two rats. The ISIS is more dangerous than Assad, and allowing to have a base is for the allies to await their own days of trouble.
President Obama said that the mistake the allies made initially was arming Assad's enemies to go after the ISIS and not overthrow Assad, with reference to America 's position. Ha,ha,ha,ha. Does it mean that if the allied forces sees or have access to Assad unprotected by Russia, they would not do him any harm? Yet, they are not after Assad, but after the ISIS, but they want Assad out power anyway. People are asking why Assad cannot play the politics of love for his people and country.
By the politics of love for his people and country, they mean that Assad can resign from office, put a surrogate there and asks the allied forces to go back home. Hadn't Fidel Castro put a Raul Castro there and retired into peace? Didn't Chavez put a successor in place before death's arrival? It is why people say that Assad's greed is his own number enemy. They say it is Assad's greed that has given invitation to other enemies like the allies and the opposition within his country.
Iraq went through the same experience, crucified and still waiting to resurrect and the same was applicable to Libya.
If these countries aren't humans and they cannot have bruising their bodies, the humans who are citizens of the country, the ordinary people, who are caught in the cross fire, and not those struggling for power and are the cause of the bruising, will feel the pain, like ordinary poor Syrians are doing today.
Hugo Chavez was missing in action at the last United Nations, UN, Assembly in New York, which just ended sitting. So also was Muamar Gaddaffi. The former Venezuela's leader ranted his view about the United States, but he did not hide his regards for President Barack Obama as a saint.
Chavez was unlucky to have been snapped away in the middle of the journey and uncertain about what would have become of him as a dictator, who have opposition that had wanted him out like the opposition in Syria wanted Bashir Assad out.
Gadaffi's Libya is still struggling. The world missed Gaddaffi, missed his female security guards and missed his famed tent. The world knew that Gadaffi did not own up to some of the sins,which his adversaries said he committed, but he was unlike Cain who after he killed Abel, the Lord said no one should take vengeance against him, but made him to go about with the signs of a murderer and a vagabond, which the Lord had put upon him.
Gaddafi's enemies went after him like they did to Saddam Hussein. And the same way they have been after Assad. The world saw Gadaffi, once the leader of his people, scurried under the culvert on a street, after running away from the comfort of his car, seeking a cover from his enemies' fire power. When he felt that the underneath of the culvert was no longer safe and that the culvert did not give him enough cover, he ran out like a tired rat seeking for safety after which the fire from a gun by his own country man caught him down.
Since Gadaffi's passage, the trouble in Libya had not seized, just like Iraq. Syria is the third in line of the three countries, whose leaders' failure to provide for their own people and allowed them freedom, which decent humans are entitled have led to unavoidable loss and loss and loss of human lives.
Shavez died with his opinion about America unchanged. Though Shavez's opinion did not really make America what he said he believed. Just like many other people, Shavez may have regarded President Obama highly for his anti-war stance, and Obama's promise to Americans and the world to steer America away from wars. It was why most Americans voted for Obama.
Though Obama does not like taking America into war single-handedly without the commitment of the allies, yet he too and his allies have their hands bloodied in efforts to change the leadership in countries they perceived as better under a certain form of control and giving help to the people under the tyranny of their leaders.
And there has always been Vladimir Putin of Russia in the opposite direction to America and her allies. If America and her allies go West, Putin will take his country towards the East. The world saw it happened in Libya and Iraq. Though, Putin's power did not stop the allies, but Putin's signature of argument about the allies leaving chaos behind their engagement sticks.
The world has witnessed same happening in Iraq and Syria, another country where such engagement has lead to chaos, and the real children of satan -the Islamic state - have taken advantage of the chaos to cause more bloodied chaos. This underscored the recent arguments between Obama and Putin at the United Nations' meeting in New York.
Putin's Russia and Obama's America have followed their arguments with bombings in Syria, each claiming it is the Islamic State locations they have bombed. America's Secretary of State, John Kerry said that Russia's bombing is welcomed if the bombing truly targeted the Islamic State and not that he had systematically taken out Assad's enemies.
There are the Assad's enemies; there are Islamic State components and there are the Western allies and there is Russia, on the ground doing battle in Syria. All of these have made Syria a battleground over Assad's leadership, whom some are against and others in support of him. Yet, Assad is still in power, surrounded by artilleries and bombings and uncertainty, despite the mass opposition at home and from abroad. Many innocent Syrians who know nothing about the stupid politics and the power struggle between Assad and his adversaries have lost their lives and continued losing their lives, and those alive don't know whether or not the bomb will get them before the next minute. Living in Syria has become equivalent to living with death.
America and allies are hellbent on removing Assad, and Putin is hellbent on seeing that Assad is not humiliated out of office. Now, the real problem in Syria is that it is not clear who has to be removed first: Assad or the Islamic State? The allies' pursuit in Syria has transcended Assad and it now includes how to remove the ISIS. America and allies want Assad out and at same item want ISIS too out. It has become a case of pursuing two rats. The ISIS is more dangerous than Assad, and allowing to have a base is for the allies to await their own days of trouble.
President Obama said that the mistake the allies made initially was arming Assad's enemies to go after the ISIS and not overthrow Assad, with reference to America 's position. Ha,ha,ha,ha. Does it mean that if the allied forces sees or have access to Assad unprotected by Russia, they would not do him any harm? Yet, they are not after Assad, but after the ISIS, but they want Assad out power anyway. People are asking why Assad cannot play the politics of love for his people and country.
By the politics of love for his people and country, they mean that Assad can resign from office, put a surrogate there and asks the allied forces to go back home. Hadn't Fidel Castro put a Raul Castro there and retired into peace? Didn't Chavez put a successor in place before death's arrival? It is why people say that Assad's greed is his own number enemy. They say it is Assad's greed that has given invitation to other enemies like the allies and the opposition within his country.