The Trump's Legacy
9 January 2021 By Abiodun Giwa

There are many Americans who think it is a that President Donald Trump is alive to complete a term of four years in office as a president giving the mammoth opposition and a show of hate that have marked his presidency.
These Americans are not wrong because Trump came into office as a fighter, and he is leaving as a fighter.
Indeed, many Americans would not quickly forget how Trump fought and won his party's nomination amid recriminations by career politicians and their supporters. And the battle against him failed to abate after coming into office as he had a cross of non-existing Russian collusion hung on his neck, unknown to Americans that there was no truth in the collusion story but a way to hang the new president.
No wonder too that Trump has continued fighting after almost four years in the saddle as a president of the United States. If the Russian collusion had been confirmed by Robert Muller, he would not only have been impeached, he would have been tried and possibly gone to jail.
What crime did Trump commit? None other than that he campaigned to be president and he won against career politicians and American Hollywood stars. He defeated them hands down. Few days into his administration, his opponents with the Liberal media as proxy vowed that they would undo his presidency. Some even went as far as saying that as a non-career politician who does not understand the intricacies of the public policy, he would run into their traps.
Consequently, Trump has become the most scrutinized American president in history. Understandably, Trump's opponents and the forces arrayed against him are formidable, politically and materially. There was a death wish and worse that a death wish, enough to make some Americans who never once met him to begin praying for him.
Therefore, part of his legacy is his ability to defeat the American star powers. Trump has a mastery of studying his opponent's personality and giving them nicknames that match. His American first policy is one his opponents were at a loss about how to defeat, because for the first time a president has turned his attention to improve the lots of the citizens at home and not waste money outside the country while Americans languish in untold poverty. NATO would forever be grateful to Trump for holding them responsible accountable in term of paying their fare share of the organization's budget. China would forever remember how one American president held them accountable before the covid-19's arrival.
Many Americans would never forget their gains from the low tax policy that boosted savings for individuals and employment across the country. The school choice policy helps many children out of the poor district schools. Whether Trump's opponents like it or not, Trump's performance in office is a challenge to them. And it is what they should prep for, rather than talking about impeachment after they have done one meaning impeachment.
Trump is an intellectual apart from his seeming wealth. He is a New Yorker though political reason has made him to move to Florida. He is a typical New Yorker like any other New Yorker: Hardworking; free like the air that we breath to say his mind careless whose ox is gored and the least and the is that the man in him is alive and not dead and it is why he is able to cry foul against tyranny that has been visited on him.
Even, if Trump had luckily won a second term, his opponents would have created a mother of all protests using their money to pay protesters and making things difficult for him just like the world witnessed in the summer. Of course, if Trump has chosen to keep mum without a fight for what he believed was done against him and powerless Americans .who voted for him, his legacy would have waned.
It would be written that once upon a time a man passed this shore; the man achieved a good level of education, he was well off materially but ventured into politics and he captured the American star power with ignominy. They waged a moral equivalent of war against him, but Trump persisted. Trump would be remembered for good, not as a man who is unhinged as his opponents would make the world believe, but his opponents are like kettles calling the pot black to destroy it.
Good, he is leaving, whether impeached one thousand times or not, with his life intact. Being alive should be more important for Trump and his children that would accrue to him with life snuffed out of him.
These Americans are not wrong because Trump came into office as a fighter, and he is leaving as a fighter.
Indeed, many Americans would not quickly forget how Trump fought and won his party's nomination amid recriminations by career politicians and their supporters. And the battle against him failed to abate after coming into office as he had a cross of non-existing Russian collusion hung on his neck, unknown to Americans that there was no truth in the collusion story but a way to hang the new president.
No wonder too that Trump has continued fighting after almost four years in the saddle as a president of the United States. If the Russian collusion had been confirmed by Robert Muller, he would not only have been impeached, he would have been tried and possibly gone to jail.
What crime did Trump commit? None other than that he campaigned to be president and he won against career politicians and American Hollywood stars. He defeated them hands down. Few days into his administration, his opponents with the Liberal media as proxy vowed that they would undo his presidency. Some even went as far as saying that as a non-career politician who does not understand the intricacies of the public policy, he would run into their traps.
Consequently, Trump has become the most scrutinized American president in history. Understandably, Trump's opponents and the forces arrayed against him are formidable, politically and materially. There was a death wish and worse that a death wish, enough to make some Americans who never once met him to begin praying for him.
Therefore, part of his legacy is his ability to defeat the American star powers. Trump has a mastery of studying his opponent's personality and giving them nicknames that match. His American first policy is one his opponents were at a loss about how to defeat, because for the first time a president has turned his attention to improve the lots of the citizens at home and not waste money outside the country while Americans languish in untold poverty. NATO would forever be grateful to Trump for holding them responsible accountable in term of paying their fare share of the organization's budget. China would forever remember how one American president held them accountable before the covid-19's arrival.
Many Americans would never forget their gains from the low tax policy that boosted savings for individuals and employment across the country. The school choice policy helps many children out of the poor district schools. Whether Trump's opponents like it or not, Trump's performance in office is a challenge to them. And it is what they should prep for, rather than talking about impeachment after they have done one meaning impeachment.
Trump is an intellectual apart from his seeming wealth. He is a New Yorker though political reason has made him to move to Florida. He is a typical New Yorker like any other New Yorker: Hardworking; free like the air that we breath to say his mind careless whose ox is gored and the least and the is that the man in him is alive and not dead and it is why he is able to cry foul against tyranny that has been visited on him.
Even, if Trump had luckily won a second term, his opponents would have created a mother of all protests using their money to pay protesters and making things difficult for him just like the world witnessed in the summer. Of course, if Trump has chosen to keep mum without a fight for what he believed was done against him and powerless Americans .who voted for him, his legacy would have waned.
It would be written that once upon a time a man passed this shore; the man achieved a good level of education, he was well off materially but ventured into politics and he captured the American star power with ignominy. They waged a moral equivalent of war against him, but Trump persisted. Trump would be remembered for good, not as a man who is unhinged as his opponents would make the world believe, but his opponents are like kettles calling the pot black to destroy it.
Good, he is leaving, whether impeached one thousand times or not, with his life intact. Being alive should be more important for Trump and his children that would accrue to him with life snuffed out of him.
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