Why does time changes here, but not there
March 13 2016 By Abiodun Giwa

Waking up in the morning and finding out that you are about one hour late in preparation for work happens to many people in the civilized world following daylight saving time, anytime the clock changes by one hour, either forward or backward. When the time changes forward, people who are unaware of the change are caught in the melodrama of having to get to work late or avoidance to get to work late, and when the time changes one hour backward, people who are unaware will arrive to work one hour early.
"What time did you arrive work this morning?" A man who was hurrying to work after he discovered he was late asked a colleague. The colleague answered that he arrived at 0700 am. " The man who had arrived late said, "I did not know there was a change in the time, it messed up my schedule."
Cabaza, a security officer in the Manhattan, said that his phone alerted him to the change in the clock. Haran, another worker in the city, said that he was unaware of the change, said it bordered him because he was compelled to run to get to work to avoid lateness. Cabaza said that he thought that people should have have known about the change, because according to him the time time change s twice a year. He was countered by one of his colleagues, who said that people forget about the time change and that a simple inter-office memo about the impending change before the change do save many workers from the difficulties,of getting caught between forgetting about the change, discovering the change
There is a company its employees said that though it pays just the minimum wage, but that it is more proactive in time management than some employers of labor, who pay higher wages. This company sends out memo to all its employees informing them anytime there is a change and helps mitigates the confusion that accompanies sudden discovery of time change. Negatively, many employers of labor are careless, leave employees to in the dark and whatever happens is the employees to manage.
As already noted, when the changes backward, it is sometimes manageable than when it changes forward and one finds himself or herself in throe of running to avoid lateness to work. When one wakes up hours earlier than normal to get ready for work and discovers that he or she is one hour ahead of time, it is a matter of winding down to let the time go, but when it is one hour forward, you have lost one hour and you have to run to catch up.
And the cause of the confusion is traceable to the fact that not all clocks or wrist watches can automatically change the time, unlike the computerized watches and clocks. Therefore, it is possible to wake up, look up the un-computerized table clock and think the time is still the same. But the conflict in the time becomes glaring when you look at the time on your table clock and to the one in your cell phone or that of any any other computerized system and then make adjustment to other clocks that cannot automatically make the change.
Haran, originally from St. Lucia in the Caribbeans said daylight time saving also happens in St. Lucia, but that he is yet to get accustomed with it, because the change has a way of throwing people out of balance. Some Africans say that it is only in America they hear about daylight saving time, and that they have never hear about it in Africa.
"Most areas in North America and Europe, and some areas in the Middle East observe daylight saving time (DST), while most areas of Africa and Asia do not. In South America most countries in the north of the continent near the equator do not observe DST, while Paraguayand southern parts of Brazil do. Oceania is also mixed, with New Zealand and parts of southeastern Australia
observing DST, while most other areas do not." Wikipedia wrote.