Ukraine and the Game Politicians Play
3 March 2014 By Abi Giwa

A woman one would think lacks knowledge about Ukraine's crisis, has recommended that world leaders go back to the agreement reached by the EU, Russia and Ukraine leaders before Viktor Yanukovych ran out of Ukraine, as the only solution for the amicable settlement of Ukraine's crisis.
But world leaders would prefer to recognize new leaders in Ukraine to the detriment of the country, and that makes events in Ukraine in the last three months, and politicians’ role in the debacle an opportunity to watch politicians in their game.
Some world leaders who are also politicians have been involved in resolving and at the same time escalating the Ukrainian crisis by supporting the new leaders against a fugitive leader.
When the politicians get into their act, they want to carry ordinary people with them for support. Ironically, it is these ordinary people who get killed and the politicians benefit from the fallout from crisis that is often a disagreement between two different ideological groups.
In Ukraine, about 89 people were killed during the fracas on the streets between the government, opposition and their supporters. In Venezuela, the opposition said that between 13 and 15 people were killed, but President Nicolas Maduro put the number of people killed at 50. Over 1000 were killed in Egypt. Syria snowballed into a civil war, from a struggle between followers of Bashar al-Assad and opposing politicians who wanted Assad out of power, so that they could assume power. And al-Assad too wants to reign forever.
Crisis in Syria is exact replication of events in Iraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein in higher proportion. The same happens in some other countries in lower proportion, where innocent people get killed and politicians benefit from sharing offices and the loot. When the way politicians manage crisis – like the current crisis in Ukraine - is examined, what one sees is that politicians are nothing but nincompoops, and their acts a justification of Socrates’ view of them during his time in Greece, when he said - based on his perception - that politicians has nothing in their heads.
Politicians of different ideological sense of belonging will do everything to appeal and persuade the ordinary people with proofs that their ideology is better than that of their opponents. Ordinarily, they have supporters who follow them ignorantly and blindly. When their ignorant and blind followers are insufficient to make up a crowd to surpass that of their opponents, they go out and hire crowd with money or promises of heaven on earth. When the trouble comes, it is these ordinary people, who become cannon fodders and on whom the politicians ride to power.
It is what is currently happening in Ukraine. It began with disagreement among politicians over which country to borrow or obtain financial aid, after the country had been looted by corrupt idiots, and economic hangover was all that they had to show for several years of haggling over power. The politicians who were the incumbent power holders chose to go with Russia against oppositions’ wish to go with the EU. Russia had resultantly loaned the country $15b and had been recalled amid crisis.
The opposition called out its supporters against the government’s aligning and taking aid from Russia, despite the age long relationship between Ukraine and Russia. In a crisis that had spanned three long months, many people had been killed. In the melee, Russia, the EU and America sought sphere of influence. The three powers succeeded at reaching consensus with the president and the opposition in Ukraine that the sitting president calls an election to resolve the impasse once and for all. But the opposition seeing itself loosing in a civilized and amicable resolve of the imbroglio despite its effort at seizing power, presses to run the president out of office and to take over power at all cost.
The president ran for his life. The question to ask that has not been asked is about the source of the opposition’s fire power. That will always remain a mystery. The president is now being held responsible for the death of protesters, a responsibility that ought to be shared by the government and the opposition for causing the trouble that has led to protesters’ death. The same opposition soon forgot it was part of an agreement that asked the president to call an election as the only way to resolve the impasse amicably; embarked on nominating news leaders, because it felt in the absence of the president, it had gained power.
In the midst of the confusion, one Ukrainian woman was interviewed about whom she thought was in control between the fugitive president and the new power welders. She said that she just did not know who was in control of the country. Her response is exactly what the current situation in Ukraine represents. More worrisome is the division between the two different parts in the country caused by the political differences, which may naturally lead to separatism tendencies without Russia’s military intervention, unless it wants to support one side against another and that will be a dishonorable scenario like President Barack Obama has said. But President Obama has not proffer a solution other than fault Putin's decision for military intervention to save his Russian population from those who have seized power in Kiev.
It is the politicians and the opposition in Ukraine that have brought the country on her kneels and into this unpalatable situation. Failure by politicians outside Ukraine to seek enforcement of an agreement they had helped honed and had been violated by the new leaders in Ukraine had opened Ukraine up to a bigger crisis, because of pursuit of a sphere of influence by politicians outside Ukraine and so called new leaders in Ukraine, who knew what plan they had to seize power for themselves, but merely used protection of the country as smokescreen.
Ukraine is broke and on its kneels. There have been clamors it all needs $35b for the next two years for survival and the country lacks where to get the money for now.. And yet the new leaders are fully prepared for war; they have put the country's armed forces on battle ready alert, puts the country's Reserves on training and at the same time saying they rely on the US and the UK for security of the country.
But world leaders would prefer to recognize new leaders in Ukraine to the detriment of the country, and that makes events in Ukraine in the last three months, and politicians’ role in the debacle an opportunity to watch politicians in their game.
Some world leaders who are also politicians have been involved in resolving and at the same time escalating the Ukrainian crisis by supporting the new leaders against a fugitive leader.
When the politicians get into their act, they want to carry ordinary people with them for support. Ironically, it is these ordinary people who get killed and the politicians benefit from the fallout from crisis that is often a disagreement between two different ideological groups.
In Ukraine, about 89 people were killed during the fracas on the streets between the government, opposition and their supporters. In Venezuela, the opposition said that between 13 and 15 people were killed, but President Nicolas Maduro put the number of people killed at 50. Over 1000 were killed in Egypt. Syria snowballed into a civil war, from a struggle between followers of Bashar al-Assad and opposing politicians who wanted Assad out of power, so that they could assume power. And al-Assad too wants to reign forever.
Crisis in Syria is exact replication of events in Iraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein in higher proportion. The same happens in some other countries in lower proportion, where innocent people get killed and politicians benefit from sharing offices and the loot. When the way politicians manage crisis – like the current crisis in Ukraine - is examined, what one sees is that politicians are nothing but nincompoops, and their acts a justification of Socrates’ view of them during his time in Greece, when he said - based on his perception - that politicians has nothing in their heads.
Politicians of different ideological sense of belonging will do everything to appeal and persuade the ordinary people with proofs that their ideology is better than that of their opponents. Ordinarily, they have supporters who follow them ignorantly and blindly. When their ignorant and blind followers are insufficient to make up a crowd to surpass that of their opponents, they go out and hire crowd with money or promises of heaven on earth. When the trouble comes, it is these ordinary people, who become cannon fodders and on whom the politicians ride to power.
It is what is currently happening in Ukraine. It began with disagreement among politicians over which country to borrow or obtain financial aid, after the country had been looted by corrupt idiots, and economic hangover was all that they had to show for several years of haggling over power. The politicians who were the incumbent power holders chose to go with Russia against oppositions’ wish to go with the EU. Russia had resultantly loaned the country $15b and had been recalled amid crisis.
The opposition called out its supporters against the government’s aligning and taking aid from Russia, despite the age long relationship between Ukraine and Russia. In a crisis that had spanned three long months, many people had been killed. In the melee, Russia, the EU and America sought sphere of influence. The three powers succeeded at reaching consensus with the president and the opposition in Ukraine that the sitting president calls an election to resolve the impasse once and for all. But the opposition seeing itself loosing in a civilized and amicable resolve of the imbroglio despite its effort at seizing power, presses to run the president out of office and to take over power at all cost.
The president ran for his life. The question to ask that has not been asked is about the source of the opposition’s fire power. That will always remain a mystery. The president is now being held responsible for the death of protesters, a responsibility that ought to be shared by the government and the opposition for causing the trouble that has led to protesters’ death. The same opposition soon forgot it was part of an agreement that asked the president to call an election as the only way to resolve the impasse amicably; embarked on nominating news leaders, because it felt in the absence of the president, it had gained power.
In the midst of the confusion, one Ukrainian woman was interviewed about whom she thought was in control between the fugitive president and the new power welders. She said that she just did not know who was in control of the country. Her response is exactly what the current situation in Ukraine represents. More worrisome is the division between the two different parts in the country caused by the political differences, which may naturally lead to separatism tendencies without Russia’s military intervention, unless it wants to support one side against another and that will be a dishonorable scenario like President Barack Obama has said. But President Obama has not proffer a solution other than fault Putin's decision for military intervention to save his Russian population from those who have seized power in Kiev.
It is the politicians and the opposition in Ukraine that have brought the country on her kneels and into this unpalatable situation. Failure by politicians outside Ukraine to seek enforcement of an agreement they had helped honed and had been violated by the new leaders in Ukraine had opened Ukraine up to a bigger crisis, because of pursuit of a sphere of influence by politicians outside Ukraine and so called new leaders in Ukraine, who knew what plan they had to seize power for themselves, but merely used protection of the country as smokescreen.
Ukraine is broke and on its kneels. There have been clamors it all needs $35b for the next two years for survival and the country lacks where to get the money for now.. And yet the new leaders are fully prepared for war; they have put the country's armed forces on battle ready alert, puts the country's Reserves on training and at the same time saying they rely on the US and the UK for security of the country.
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