What Has Age To Do With Service?
21 June 2023 By Abiodun Kareem Giwa

The hunger for love and longevity has no comparison. Is there any human who does not want acceptance and long life? Love and belonging feature in the third ladder of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. It is the climax after physiology, safety, and security needs. It draws in self-esteem and self-actualization. Love brings two together to be one in the continuity of a journey's life. We are not talking about lust. Tina Turner sang about the difference between love and lust in her song "What Has Love Got to Do With It?" Love cares and heals. It is not greedy and selfish, or self-centered. Many people believe passion ensures longevity. And they recommend speaking to a therapist where it is lacking. Is there anyone who hates to live long? Certainly, none. Everyone prepares and saves for old age. Unfortunately, some depart the earth too early against expectations. Dying is not about age. However, older people attract veneration that young people lack and expect when they arrive there.
And what has age got to do with employment or politics? Some people say younger people deserve a chance to lead. Others aver older people have more experience and wisdom for leadership. The argument over leadership between young and old is global. Young people say it is their time and accuses the older people of unwillingness to quit and hand over. The debate about age is more current in the United States, where the current leader is 80 years, witnessed falling, and some analysts attribute the condition to aging. The seriousness these analysts attach to age and leadership warrants asking if old age is enough to disqualify anyone from employment or politics.
The law against discrimination in employment rules against it. So, why are Joseph Biden's opponents criticizing him for his age? ADEA stands between them and their logic. It is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. It protects against discrimination based on age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. The more knowledgeable people hear political analysts criticizing Biden as the basis for the Democratic Party to deny him continuity in office, the more they ask what age has to do with it.
They expect Biden critics to leave aging out and use the failure of the White House to tackle him from running again or being reelected. Biden is responsible responsibility for an open border policy causing death to unwary young people from exposure to deadly drugs; hyper-inflation resulting from the administration's economic policy; the management or mismanagement of the war in Ukraine; lack of transparency; undemocratic practices resulting in a dual-justice system - one for Democrats and the other for Republicans, and a whole lot of others, like the government's Woke program. The age factor can make seniors sympathetic to him.
Another thing is Biden and Trump are almost in the same age bracket. There is only four years difference between 80 and 76. Are not they both advanced in age? Many believe age does not deter wisdom and compassion and is considered a knowledge repository. Globally, older people are revered and not otherwise. The only thing you can justifiably take away from older people is their lack of strength or stamina. Why should anyone think tying Biden's performance to aging will dissuade voters? It could be part of respect for the aged that has made the U.S. move the goalpost of when people can leave the workforce to the time of death. Biden and Trump are inclusive.
Why do some political commentators think age is a performance problem? Is not it more acceptable to say one is not doing well in terms of performance and using requisite measurement than using age as determining factor? Nothing is wrong If the love of service makes leaders wish to remain in service until the last day.
However, recent Biden's comment about God Save the Queen, the U.S. wants to build a train across the Indian and Pacific Ocean, another gigantic program in Angola, and saying let me stop here to avoid getting in trouble, shows Biden is in office. Still, the lever of power lies elsewhere.
And what has age got to do with employment or politics? Some people say younger people deserve a chance to lead. Others aver older people have more experience and wisdom for leadership. The argument over leadership between young and old is global. Young people say it is their time and accuses the older people of unwillingness to quit and hand over. The debate about age is more current in the United States, where the current leader is 80 years, witnessed falling, and some analysts attribute the condition to aging. The seriousness these analysts attach to age and leadership warrants asking if old age is enough to disqualify anyone from employment or politics.
The law against discrimination in employment rules against it. So, why are Joseph Biden's opponents criticizing him for his age? ADEA stands between them and their logic. It is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967. It protects against discrimination based on age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. The more knowledgeable people hear political analysts criticizing Biden as the basis for the Democratic Party to deny him continuity in office, the more they ask what age has to do with it.
They expect Biden critics to leave aging out and use the failure of the White House to tackle him from running again or being reelected. Biden is responsible responsibility for an open border policy causing death to unwary young people from exposure to deadly drugs; hyper-inflation resulting from the administration's economic policy; the management or mismanagement of the war in Ukraine; lack of transparency; undemocratic practices resulting in a dual-justice system - one for Democrats and the other for Republicans, and a whole lot of others, like the government's Woke program. The age factor can make seniors sympathetic to him.
Another thing is Biden and Trump are almost in the same age bracket. There is only four years difference between 80 and 76. Are not they both advanced in age? Many believe age does not deter wisdom and compassion and is considered a knowledge repository. Globally, older people are revered and not otherwise. The only thing you can justifiably take away from older people is their lack of strength or stamina. Why should anyone think tying Biden's performance to aging will dissuade voters? It could be part of respect for the aged that has made the U.S. move the goalpost of when people can leave the workforce to the time of death. Biden and Trump are inclusive.
Why do some political commentators think age is a performance problem? Is not it more acceptable to say one is not doing well in terms of performance and using requisite measurement than using age as determining factor? Nothing is wrong If the love of service makes leaders wish to remain in service until the last day.
However, recent Biden's comment about God Save the Queen, the U.S. wants to build a train across the Indian and Pacific Ocean, another gigantic program in Angola, and saying let me stop here to avoid getting in trouble, shows Biden is in office. Still, the lever of power lies elsewhere.
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